2 minute read
IackDionne. Duttdlru
Subrcription Prico, $2.lXl pcr Ycar Singlc Copicr, 25 ccntr cach. LOS ANGELES, CAL., MARCH 15, 1928
How Lumber Looks
Ac spring opena, the lurnber market improvcment continuec generd outside of Oalifornia. For t[e lart two weekr, balcd on the lrtert reportr of the National Lurnber Manufactrrerr Arcociation, thl figrrrer for all coftwoodt for the,whole country show: Production 466r393,(XX) ft.; Ship' mentr 490,246,000 ft.; Orderr 511'026,000 ft. Frorn therc fisurelr it can be rcen that ne{v bruines b keeping well in advance of production"
According to telegraphic advicec received on March 8 by the National Lumber Manufactr€rs' Asrociation, tte lumber movement for dl roftrroods for thc 6r* nine weekr in 1928 rhorr: Produstion 1,993'882'092 ft.; Shipncntr 2'' 127,766,966 ft; Orden 2,303,545,804 ft. Ar compared with the rame period b 1927, orden for thc furt nine weelc of thir year rhow a rplendid increare over 1927 whcn orderg amounted to 1r9d)r242r312 fr
For the millr of the Wert Coart Lunbennentr Arociatiorq the repont chowr large increaree in all three factorr. The total figrrret for thc firqt nine weekr of 1928lhow: Produc' tion 961,186,?19 ft.; Shipments 923'862'917 fL; Orden l-'' O17r988r322 ft. For thir pcriod orderr rhowed a remarkable increare oyer orders received for the corrcrponding period ]^ 1927, when they totaled 708,390'994 ft.
- Here are the figrres for California White and Sugar Pine for the firrt nine weekr of 1928: Prod'uction lO2r244rOOO ft.; Shipments 195,821,(XX) ft.;'Orden 196'3E4OOO ft. They have rold nearly twice ar much lumber ar ttey have cut.
The repont rhowr the following figrrrer for Southetl Pine for this ramc period: Production 615,736,04O ft.; Ship' mentr 6161749;529 ft.; Orderl 655'756,132 ft. The close of the winter-searo'n 6ndr the Southern Pine rnarket in excel' lent ehape, as far ar demend and price are conc€fnd.
The hardwood figrrrer for the whole country fq-$:gtt nine weekr of the year ar as followr: P-roduction ?gj,rlllr: ooO ft.t ShipmenL 293,3o3,qx) ft.; Ond'ere 316,7271000 ft:- Td"-h;i*""a -i*.t-ir coming dong nicelv with orden well in advance gf nrojucion tt" Californii White and Sugar Pine nlrket remainr ebout the same with very little change during the part two weeks. The dcmand is holdins up well. 6i4 No. 2 rhop ie in good demand and the market on uppen ic firmcr due to thi rcarcity of deaired widths.
Conditionr in the California rnarket rhow very little change. The demand continuer about the came ar two *""ti "go. All rtandard' itemr of comrnon 6r dimension "o.h ", iqr6.2'.4' 2z6,2zl0., and 2x12 are very firm' Vertieal grain dl".rt and Lth are aleo 6rm- There are 39 boate [Jip.-- Wf,oU"tert report that tonnage ir ver5r rhort and ttrat tte operatoa ere refuring to take out the boatr for lerr than tte "-o..f"t tt". ratea tn ttre Northweet, the 6r operatoi report a good rail and railroad dernand with the Atlantic Coart demand good and tonnage lcarc€.
-S[i"it" pti.o er F-er for the beiter -strad3 and the feeling-prevailr among the manufacturers that ehinglel are drc for a drong comeback.
Fu importe into San Francirco for the monrth of February *"r" 613g8 M ft. Redwood cargo arriv,alr totaled l9E?2 M ft. Fit ""rgo arrivdr into Southcrn Catifornia for Feb' tr"ry t"t"ta loorgso M ft., while the redwood receiptr wcre 1O,380 M ft.
Tlr. itd*ood martot continuee firm with rnill stocks trotett. The volrme of ralec is holding up well. Thc millr are v€ry sciarce on lome items in nPpers, indicating a possible increarc in pricer.
The California Lumber Merchant has been flyro1 a frag since the first part of the year that says:
' t'Whether or not this will be a buyers' or a sellers'yearr dePends a whole lot on the methods of the sellers.tt
. If we had a mast, wetd nail that to it. Having no mast, wetve kept it tacked on our "Inspiration Board" that hangs at the end of our work bench.-- Clip it and tack it up where you'll see it often-It will help you to remember that better conditions n 1928 are uP to YOU-and your neighbor. "Sellers" is plural.
Reprinted from"The Green Light",issued little while by the Lumber DeaJers Association of Los Angeles'