2 minute read
Is the ideal location for that new lumber manufacturing plant of yours.
Portland is in the heart of the big timber region of the Pacific Northwest. It also has an abundance of cheap hydro-electric power for manufacturing purposer. Good ocean and railway ahipping facilitieq a mild climate and a fair supply of aldlled labor, practically all of which is non-union.
I will be pleased to Eerve you in the location, design and construction of that new mill of yours.
hmplete Building Conttruction
Special Attention Given to Repair Worlt
383 Pittock Block Portland, Oregon
Tclcphonc Broadway 8000
Iroa Workcrr, Ccnent \f,forLcrr, Brick Leycre, Catpcntcrl Rooferr, Plumbcrr, Elcctriclau, Cabinct-neLcrr, Paiatcn and Paperhengerr; alro Real Ertate Bondr and Mort3egcr.
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't 'Wants" is fon
The Fellow Who Wants to Buv
The Fellow Who Wanti to SelI
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Raiet t2.50 per colutnn ineh The Fellow Who Wants toBe Hired
Bookkeeper and general office man in lumber yard situated in San Joaquin Valley. State age, salary lxpected and--experience in first lett-er. Address Box C-184', care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced lumberman would like to make a connection with wholesale or retail lumber company. Thoroushlv familiar with all branches of the lumber-buiiness. Sev'eral 5tears' experience on the Pacific Coast. Can furnish sood references" Address Box'C-181, care California Luiber Merchant.
Projects Designed To Increase Demand For West Coast Woods
LONGVIEW, Wn., March S.-Various projects design- ed to increase the demand for West Coast-woods are n-ow being develo-ped in 4ifferent parts of the country by repre- sentatives of the West Coast Lumber Bureau, aicording to C. J. Hogue, manager of the field department of thi 'Bureau.
Four fieldmen are attending conventions of regional associations of retail lumber dealers, acquainting them with the properties and best uses of Douglas fir, -West Coast hemlock, Western red cedar and Sitka spruce, and telling them of rvhat the Bureau is doing to increase the sale of these woods through retail dealers.
Two Bureau fieldmen are making a survey of the market for Western red cedar'a"d Douglas fir plywood in the eastern industrial field. Other projects being developed by Bureau fieldmen include work on the Eastern building codes. in connection rvith gaining acceptance of the proper rating of various grades of Douglas fir, contact with millwork firms on the Pacific coast and in the
Wants Connection With Wholesale Concern
Experienced lumbermen wants to make connection with wholesale concern. Several years experience in lumber, cedar poles, shingles and allied producfs. Can furnish references. Address Box C-184 caie California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yard Site For Rent
Fine lumber yard site for rent, $150 per month. Mill, lumber rack; and spur track on the ground ready to'go. Located in Los Angeles. Address Box C-185 care-California Lumber Merchant.
Middle West, promotion of the co-operative construction of homes from the first prize design in the West Coast Woods Architectural Competition, and work with East coast engineers in the interest of the structural grades of Douglas fir.
Two fieldmen working in the Northwest will go East soon to join the Bureau representatives now attending retail dealer conventions in conducting a series of spring meetings for lumber salesmen, retail lumber dealers, contractors, carpenters and .painters.
Trade Extension Presented To Western Retailers
Washington, D. C., March 3-An address on the organization, activities and aims of the Trade Extension Department of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association was given by A. C. Horner, Western Division Manager, at the Western Retail Lumbermens' Convention in Salt Lake City, February 24. He spoke particularly on the contemplated grade-marking and trade-marking.
Lor Angeler Hoo Hoo Club No. 2 will stage their first night meeting of the year March 30, 1928, at the Commercial Clirb, llth arrd Broadway, Los Angeles. This will be the dandieet, mightiest and merriest party you ever attended.

All lrrmbermen are invited to attend.
Harry Hanron will be the bis bosr with Max Landram, Don Philips, Russell Edmonron, Bob Byrne, Mel Coe, Lloyd Cole and Ed. Martin acting as helpers.