5 minute read
The saw you take to the lumber instead of the lumber to the saw.
Built in gizes for att classes of work where a poft. able hand saw cin be used.
Operatec from ordinary light soc&et. Veight 10 to 26 lbs.
The 10Jb. saw ideal for cuaing veneer.
Vhy not investigate the Tany places you can use a SKILSATZ in your businss?
Slmtron motodess electriO hammers for con cete drilling and chipping. For erecting machin ety frd remodeling jobs.
Electric Drillg - All Sizes
Tools Sold - Rented Repaired
308 East Third Street Mutuat 7508
San Diego Hoo Hoo Initiate Sev Calexico Concat
About 50 members of Hoo Hoo assembled on Yhe desert about six miles east of Calexico on Saturday afternoon, March 10, to hold a concatenation. Seven kittens were initiated. Following the initiation, there was a dinner at the Owl Cafe, Mexicali, in old Mexico. The San Diego Nine, with vicegerent snark Frank Park in charge, put on the ritual work. Vicegerent Snark of the Los Angeles District, B. W. Byrne, acted as master of ceremonies following the dinner. In honor of Bill Cowling, junior Hoo-Hoo on the San Diego Nine, who is to become a benedict during the month of March, the affair rvas called "Cowling's Cactus Concat."
The following Kittens were initiated: George Saunders, Valley Lumber Co., Calexico; E. Monreal, Valley Lumber Co., Mexicali; E. Gaxiola, Valley Lumber Co.,-Mexicali; A. Clements. Vallev Lumber Co.. Calexico: Andrew M. Morrow, Morrorv Lumber Co.. Briwley; James A. Deathage, Hammond Lumber Co., Brawley; Harry K. McConnell, Calexico Lumber Co.. Calexico.
The next tri-annual meeting of the Millwork Institrrte of California is scheduled for Friday and Saturdav. March 30 and 31, at the Saint Claire Hotel, San Tose. A constructive and far-reaching program is undei preparation, and all sessions are bound to be of interest and profit to everyone in the trade. President Harry Gaetjen, who underrvent an operation a ferv weeks ago, is convalescing very nicely, and will be present at the meeting.
H. K. Phelps, Norton-Phelps Lumber Co., Los Gatos, was a San Francisco visitor around the first of the month where he attended to company business matters and called on the lumber trade.
Bruce Burlingame Calls On Arizona Trade
Bruce Burlingame, Los Angeles, representative for the Santa Fe Lumber Co., has returned from a ten days' trip to Arizoha where he was making one of his regular trips calling on the retail trade.
Buys Yard At Montrose
Max Amelang, well known Arizona lumberman, has purchased the W. R. Letton Lumber Co. yard at Montrose, Cal. Mr. Amelang was formerly manager of the Miami Lumber & Supply Co. at Miami, Arizona.

The Hammond Lumber Co. announces that effective February 25, their Portland office will be located at 216 Pittock Building.
Seattle Building Permits Break February Record
FOR pubrication",,ddirDt,liTf;j,,BytiilSl"t.rmbuldingcode, l9?7 edition, has been announced by J. E. Mackie, managing secretary of the Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference, which organization formulated the code. Thirty western cities at the present time are considering adoption of the 1927 edition, and some have already commenced work through committees which have started a study of the code in its present form.
Uniform Building Code Ready
A Guessing Contest
He guessed at a proper selling price.
He guessed what lines were profitable.
He guessed he could take a chance extending credit.
He guessed he was making a pro6t.
He guessed advertising wouldn't help him.
He guessed he had failed.
He guessed right in the end.
Seattle's building permits in February totaled $4,126,795, this figure shattering all previous records for this month. To date this year permits representing a valuation .of $6,819.325 have been issued.
Washington, D. C., March 3-Wood sash and frames and hardwood floors will be used in the twenty-three story hotel building to be erected in the downtown district of San Francisco for the Sutter-Powell Realty Company, it is reported by R. W. Smith of the Western Division of the Trade Extension Department of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association. The estimated cost of the building is $2,000,000.
Washington, Feb. 27.-A new requisition blank of the Walton Lumber Company, Everett, Washington, conspicuously and emphatically specifies as a provision of the purqhase contract, that goods shall be shipped in wooden boxes.
This is in line with a recommendation recently made by Paul L. Grady, director of the joint wood box promotion campaign of the Trade Extension Department of the Nationil Lumber Manufacturers Association and the National Wooden Box Manufacturers Association, that lumber companies insist that all their goods be shipped in wood instead of fibre containers.

Officers Named At Special Election
Vacancy caused by death of Joseph Brovn, Sr., founder of Los Angeles Papcr-Manufacturing Co., fil-led by sons. (Top' lcft to r{ght.) Robert E. L. Brown, preeident and treasurerl Jceph B-ro*r, Jr., vice-prcsident- and general -qranager; (be' i"-> U. L. Brinker, diiector of sales, and H. D. Brorn' socretary.

Robert E. L. Brown was elected president and treasurer of the Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing Company last week at J special executive meeting callei to fill the vacancy teit ly the death of his father, Joseph Brown, Sr', founder- and -former pregdent of the company, who was killed, in a traffic accident two weets ago, at the age of ninety'
Joseph Brown, Jr.l as vict-prlsident, was made g.n.."i manager; Harold D. Brown was elected secietary; and N-. L. Brinker retains his position as director of sales.
R. E. L. Brown, who formerly occupied the position of secretary-treasurer, said the general op.eration and policies of the company would- be carried ciut alons the lines establis6ed -and maintained by his fathJr from its inception, more than twenty-seven years ago.
"\M" tave almost literally grown up with this business," said Brown. "It is not a case of a new management stepping in, for we have been actively identi"fied with thl administrative affairs of the company for many years. As fast as each of us qualified for positions of gte"t"t responsibility- rye rvere moved into them and'thus have been actively in charge of the afiairs of the company,for some-time past' ..
"Father was a strong advocate of square-dealing' He tuitt this business oitt a quality foundation' As a result, our products established a re-putation that has ti."aiiy increased demand and made repeated plant additions necessary and rapid extension of markets possible.
'-iEo,tioo.d with the best machinery obtainable, for the manuiacture of asphalt roofing and shingles' our olant has steadilv grown until it now represents an investment of mbre than $1,00O,000.
'--;'o;; ;;;fing products ari now distributed throughout ihe PacifiE boast Region, and are being exported in constantly increasing quantities to Harvaii and the Orient."
North Hollywood To Have New Lumber Yard
Recommendation that a permit be granted for the establishment of a new lumber yird in North Hollywood was.recently passed by the city co-uncil planning commrttee' I ne perm-it-*as requested by Alley Bros'
It's not necessary at The Plaza; you'll feel at home in your driving clothes. Lumbermen: come and be our welcome guests. Sleep in bedrooms
Union Square feast on Joe Dier
Rates $2 to $4.50 - Harry Stochird, Mgr.
R"v tvt. Hudson, Chief of the Division of Simplified Practice. bepartment of Agriculture, Washington. D' C', rvas a recent ltititot to Calif-ornia. On March 5, he had a-coni;;;" *ittt ttt. Los Angeles Group of the Millwork industry.
Ioe Rolando Visits Southern California
Toe Rolando. Sudden Lumber Co., San Francisco, was a reient Los Angeles visitor where he spent a few davs -attending to buiiness matters and calling on the lumber trade.