2 minute read
Using stoc( sizes onl economical lengths and gra&s of Califomia Redwood lumber.
1 y 7 ITHOUT unduly high front and [l!/ rear walls (with the attendant extra t Y mst), ample head room is gained for inter.communicating doors in most desirable lcations and to accomniodate a errier track directly in front of droppings board. This is but one of the many ecoaomies and practical advantages of a shingle rrcf over a flatter rml with substitute covering, rar wrm (rt3 pacr Z)
The droppings bmrd projects sufficiently to permit of litter carri:r box extending under edge so that droppmgs may be removed quickly and easily. The same carrier, with interchangeable trays or cars, serves equal- ly well in gathering eggs, in carrying feecl and litter, and in moving fixtuies and equipment.
In extraordinarily hot climat:s front panel undrr opening may be hmged at top in 8ections of convenient length to gain additional circulation.
A poultry house should be built on com- paratively level ground. Where it is imperative to build dn a steep slope and is yet impractical to level ofi or grade the site, it may be found necessary to adopt a post and girder construction.
SHINGLES (alf ?owratHrr or frelo'oel rlJ-f4 i FrrR34-12 PITC'H
Max f l_,1.:_*fll,S 19w n91111v.-farms, it has been found very desirable, in order to nailed lightly to pernrit of removal. All naterials are thus recovered later, with. I gain.valuable time, as well as conserve available funds and insure wise invest. out damige-or uiuecessary expense. - meat' to provide temporary livmg guarters. _This lrls been.?ccom.plished,- with A-temp6rar-y gtilit-y houie to- serve as garage and shop, tool rrcm, laundry, etc,, great satisfaction.-and at remarkably low cost, by building modified liymg houCe or.for.airy.of tli ati..""t. "..t fi"t.d fr-p"?. l;;;i;" vetv ecormrcaUy prol units, as above illustrated - videa in ihi ""-.-*"y.--Al1equipment,such.assa.sh,dmrs,screos,hardware,.trim,etc.,isselectedi"&h:"ft,.t''f'l"l}."Tx:,,'J.j"f:"iJ;'Tili'l#',"il":';:;*:$''.' :l's."#utu.'"..bTJ,i3'ij%..f""::fl:i'..dwel|ingandinco'poritedtempor.i;-;-;"iGE..io.lLit,-i'Temporarv-floor,joists rest on 2 inch x 4 inch ribbons (or w.at girders) at.rront i;'?"0"53-Ti,lIJ.Hl"d -l:3i[tt:t#tli,.i3lY,ii:ti:'#tlrf%;ti:""if i&""r.'; and rear walls which in no way disturb the permanent walls. -Flooring is top "tt con"tiuiiion ii-ilmoa.dirJ'"; il;li";";!""iliii1*
This is another inetallment of the Agricultural Scries issued by The Califorrria Redwood Association.
President Frank J. Peil of the Los Angeles District Manufacturers Branch of the Millwork Institttte of California, who also is manager of the Millwork Department of the Patten & Davies Lumber Co., has inaugurated a campaign of intensive educatien throughout Los Angeles and adjoining counties, in the use of the Institute's Standard Sash & Door Schedules.
Mr. Peil himself has conducted three classes, the first being on Monday evening, February 13th at the main office of his company. More than one hundred members of the Patten & Davies staff and visiting lumbermen were present. On February 23rd he conducted his second class at Santa Monica with {orty-three sash and door and lumbermen in attendance. His third class was held at Glendale on February 27th with all operators of that district present.
E. V. McClintock. of the Hammond Lumber Co., who was a member of the State Schedule Committee, condrrcted classes at Los Angeles, Long Beach and San Bernardino. His attendance. totaled rvell over one hundred and fifty people, annong them being both sasl-r and door men and retail lurnberm.en.
E. A. Nicholson of the Pacific Door & Sash Co., who also served on the Schedule Compilation Committee, held classes for his own staff and visiting millwork and lumbermen on the evening of February 13th and 14th. The turnout on the first evening included more than one hund,re$ men and nearly that mpny on the second evening. On 'Iuesday evening, February 2lst, Nlessrs. M. E. LeSourd and J. T. Akin of the Pacific Door organization held a class at Pasadena for the sash and door and lumber people in that district.
Managing Director Didesch of the State organization has also been busy rvith classes in the southern territorv. He