4 minute read
Following the speaking program, Mr. Bowers and Mr. Barr were the recipient of many congratulations. The occasion also marked the twenty-fifth inniversary of the ent1y of Mr. O. H. Barr, who was host of the eiening, into the lumber business. Mr. Barr started his lumber tareer in Hastings, Nebraska, where he started the Barr Lumber Co. in 1903. Seven years later, he arrived in Southern California and purchased the firm of Linkletter & Tyler at Whittier. In 1921, he was selected by the officers of the Griffith Lumber Co. to take over theii yard at Santa Ana, and the fact that the company made ihis decision when he wap not even all'are that t6is yard was for sale, made a very lasting impression on Mr. Barr. The Griffith Lumber Co. yard at Norwalk was also included in this trans! actlon. IIe established a yard at Pico in 1924, and in 1926, !9 bgught the Hamrnond Lumber Co. yard at, Orange. Mr. Barr is one of the most successful and progresslve retail lumbermen in California. "If itfs from-Balr's it'r the best" is their slogan. The officers of the Barr Lumber Co. are O. H. Barr, president and general manager; C. C. Barr, vice president; Walter Spicer, secretary and assistant general manager; Norbert E. Lentz, treasurer, sales and credit manag€r; Gilmore Ward, auditor and general accountant; and Dr. Thomasl Barr, father of O. Itr, and C. C. Barr, director.
Among those invited to participate in the complimentary dinner ryere: -Crimtfr Lumber Co.: A. C. Bowers, A. J. Crookshank, G. S, Crookshank, John Cubbon, H. M. Adams, W. T. Brown, S. S. Skidmore,'W. E. Clement, C. F. Grim. Barr Lumber Company: O. H. Barr, C. C. Barr, Thos. Barr, N. E. Lentz, Waiter S. Spicer, Guy Tyler, J. W. Ditzler, Wm. Schultz, John Chriitiansen, Leonard Steere, C. G. 'Ward, R. R. Caldwell, Frank Harrington, 'Wm. Whitney, Joe Wool.
County Lumbermen: H. A. Lake, C. H. Chapman, F. N. Gibbs, R. A, Emison, D. E. Liggett, E. Steffensen, Joe Jahraus, W. W. Crozier, Fred Crozier, Grey Skidmore, C. H. Griffen, C. F. Grim, W. V. Whitson, Leslie Pearson.
Contractors: *Geo. Preble, C. McNeil, Sam Preble, W. H. Bowman, J. S. Fluor, G. A. Barrows, F. S. Bishop.
Musicians: Robert Bradford, Miss Ruth Armstrong. Out-of-Town Guests: *J. A. Graves, Frank Curran, *H. W. Mcleod, Paul Hollingby, *S. L. Weaver, Loren Barton, *J. M. Elliott, J. E. Martin, Harry Vincent.
Friends: W. G. Mitchell, *C. E. Utt, S. H. Finley, H. J. Forgy, Cood Adams, Dr. C. D. Ball, *Geo. Edgar, Iforace Fine, *Capt. J. H. Hall, W. C. Jerome, C. P. Kryhl, A.J.
Visel, D. C. Pixley, Jas. Sleeper, N. T. Edwards, *E. M. Smiley, *E. H, Luxton, Geo. S. Smith, W. H. Spurgeon, Jt., J. S. Smart, Chas. F. Smith, James Raitt, A. J. McFadden, Ed. McFadden, F. P. Nickey, *Oliver Halsel, Theo. Winbigler, T. E. Stevensen, Chas. F. Heil, t'11y. D. Ranney, Judge Homer Ames, H. C. Head, Judge R. Y. Williams, W. B. Williams, A. W. Rutan, F. M. Robinson, W. B. Tedford, +C. E. Parker, Mit Phillips, *L. F. Moulton, C. J. Cogan, W. A. Huff, D. Eyman Huff, J. P: Baumgartner, J. F. Burke, Rev. E. M. Mills.
*Unable to be present.
During the recent convention of the Western Pine Manufacturers' Association held in Spokane, Washington, a group of District Officers of the Order of Hoo-Hoo and Representatives of many clubs met and formed a permanent Conference oI the Hoo-Hoo Clubs of the Pacific Northwest. The purpose of this organization will be to cope with the problerrls of the Industry in the Northwest.
The meeting' was presided over by James M. Frown Snark of the Universe. /
Lumbermen Present Cabin To Boy Scouts
"Camp Micke", in Micke's Grove, eight miles from Stoqkton on the road to Lodi, was formally opened arrC dedicated on Saturday, Febraary 24. Williim Micke, owiler of the grove, has given the site which includes about 10 acres, to the Boy Scouts of San Joaquin and Calaveras counties as an overnight camp ground for the boys who are not able to attend the longer summer camp. More than 100 boy scouts were present at the formal opening. I
Five- wooden cabini were presented to the Boy-Scoutsj Speaking for the Central California Lum,bermen's Club, Lester H. Elliott of the Lodi Lumber Co., Lodi, presented a cabin which was the gift of that organi zaticin and distinguishlng it from the other four cabins is a large black cat, the Hoo Hoo symbol, painted over the door..
There was a large attendance at the oDenin a at opening bf the Building Material Exhibit on Thursday, February 23, at the new Architects'Building, Los Angeles. Included in the displays were the following lumber exhibits: Red River Ltrmber Co., Cadwillader-Gibson Co., Hammond Lumber Co., California Redwood Association and the Los Angeles Hardwood Association. The following companies are participating in the Los Angeles Hardwood Association exhibit: E. J. Stanton & Son, C. W. Bohnhoff, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co:, Western Hardwood Lumber,Co., American Hardwood Co. and the California Panel & Veneer Co.
Friends vouch for the truth of the story told of Fred Rogers, a logger in the Marshfield (Ore.) district. He leaped-on the back of a buck deer and rode it until it dropped exhausted.
The deer was entering a river when Rogers mounted it, and it swam across with the load. After a wild ride Rogers was able to get off and capture his prize.
C. Stowell Smith, secretary-manager of the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association, is in Chicago where he is attending the Regional Secretaries meeting of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association that will be held during the week of March 12.