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Keep theFetterc/ ON FINE !
W,ithout restraint, Fire is no better than the insarre criminal that glories ir-r destruction and murder. We have learned that malicious enemies of society must be kept under constant surveillance, locked behind bars and even held in irons for the protection of the community. Fire must be treated in ttre same way-kept in the fetters of prevention and vigilance. At the first tapse of vigilance, fire may break loose to kill and destroy.
The Associated Lumber Mutuals preach prevention first. We give to our policy-holders the cooperation of experts to keep the fetters on fire, to reduce fire risks and to prevent loss. If fire does break loose, our resources and our reputation guarantee you the protection of fair adjustments and prompt payment of losses. Through our dividends to policy-holders, this quality protection is provided at lowest cost to the lumber industry.
Any of our comltanies zuill be glad, to givc you detailed inforrnation, as to the economicol and protectiac advantages in Lumber Mutual Insurance.