2 minute read
on the succeeding right-hand page, rvith a repetition of Extras on the left-hand page.
A novel and convenient feature of the book is that its central section contains "Glass Lists and Areas", thus making it unnecessary to refer to separate glass books. The glass pages give on one line the List for Sheet Glass-SS and DS; Plate Glass-Plain and,lr/a-inch Bevel; Plate Mirrors-Plain and Ir/a-inch Bevel; together with the Square Foot Area of the light, expressed decimally. The basis of the glass schedules is the same as the balance of the book.
The Glossary of Terms and Standard Trade Practices already referred to as one of the main objectives of the compilation, appear on Pages 6 to 11, inclusive. This section includes in addition to Definitions of Terms, a Standard Time Allowance for delivery, which ranges from four days for stock items in solid woods to 30 days for complex detail items of veneered construction. Comimercial terms are also set forth and there is a Standard dealing with Moisture Content, which, so far as is known, is the first published on that subject. Standards for Glass and Glazing, Sanding and Cleaning, Flush and Raised Moulding, Rabbetting and nearly two hundred paragraphs of similar information are also included.
Managing Director Didesch has announced that the Glossary of Terms and Standard Trade Practices, together with Standard Abbreviations, rvhich appear on page 12 of the book, are to be reprinted in bulletin form, and distributed to all architects and contractors located rvithin the markets of the Institute membership.
The complete book as issued contains ninety-six pages, size 11 inches x 8% inches. It is of distinctive appearance,i the cover being of light blue stock, with the title imprinted in dark blue over the Institute insignia in gold bronze. The binding is regular book binding, reinforced with muslin, thus giving a perfectly flat-opening book.
It is worthy of special comment that the book carries a dedication page, which ties into the Institute trade name for the product of its members, "Architectural Woodwork", and places the industry on a plane which it actually occupies, but ordinarily is not appreciated for. The language used is: "Dedicated to the Craft which for Centuries has' been Intimately Identified with the Progress of Civilization and Culture through the Prodrlction of Architectural \Moodwork."
The Institute is now engaged in compiling a book of "Standard Millwork Schedules." It will emhrace Frames, F.'inish, Panelwork, Cabinetwork, Stairwork, Radius Mouldings, Spindles and all millwork items not covered in book No. 128.
THE CALIFORNIA LIJMBEIR MERCHANT is authorized, to state that firms not members of the Millwor$ Institute of California can obtain copies of the present Standard Schedules at the same rates at which they are supplied to members. Inquiries should be addressed to Box 267-Hollywood Station, Los Angeles.

\\ralter Scrim, United States representative for the Finlay-Millar Timber Co. of Manila,'P. I., manufacturers of Philippine Mahogany, has returned from a six weeks' business trip through the east and south. Mr. Scrim went east by way of San Francisco, Fortland, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. He stopped off at Chicago, New York and other cities on the Atlantic Coast. He returned to California over the southern route, making stops at Atlanta, New Orleans and other points.
Curtis Cutter, Jr., prominent Sacramento lumberman, is a real enthusiast on aviation and says that flying is the "king of sports." He has just completed a course at the Sacramento airport. He started his course on February 8th and his friends state that on his second flieht he took over the controls. On his thirteenth flight, hJ started solo flying and now handles the plane with ease.
Becomes Partner In Pioneer Lumber Company
Grey M. Skidmore, who has been associated with his father in the pioneer lumber concern, Skidmore & Bowerd Lumber Co. of Downey, for the past several years has been taken into partnership with S. S. Skidmore and A. C. Bowers. Grey M. Skidmore. was born and raised at Downey and.is well known to the lumber trade of Southern California. His many lumbermen friends are congratulating him on his promotion.