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H. T. Didesch and E. A. Nicholson in Trip Over California
H. T. Didesch, Managing Director of the Millwork Institute of California, and E. A. Nicholson, Treasurer of the organization and a memter of the committee which compiled the recently published "Standard Sash & Door Schedirles", on Februiry 19th, left Los Angeles for a tiip over the State in the interest of the Institute and its Branches.
The main purpose of the trip, whieh was made by motqr and. occupied an entire week, was to demonstrate and promote the use of the Standard Schedules and to confer with members as to the problems of common interest. Meetings and classes of instruction were held for the various Branch organizations or loial groups. The classes, which as a rule occupied about three hours of .time, were well attended by both member and non-member operators, with usually a good-sprinkling of retail lumbermen present.
The initial class was held for the Alameda operators at the Athens Athletic Club on Monday evening, February 20th. Forty-nine executives, estimators and salesmen rveie present. On the afternoon of Tuesday, February 2lst, a group of thirty-one millmen and lumbermen of the Sacramento district met at the Sacramento Hotel for the second class. The third class occurred at Stockton on Washing- ton's Birthday at 7:0O p.m., in the Builders' Exchange, with eighteen people in attendance. The Thursday class was held in connection with the regular meeting of the San Francisco Branch, at the Union League Club at 12:30 p.m. Thirty-four operators were present. On Friday evening, February 24th, the members and associate members of the Sonoma County Branch met at the Community Center in
Two Rock for the fifth claps. Twenty-one people participated. The sixth and final class of the trip took place at Fresno on Saturday, February 25th at 12:30 p.m. at the Californian Hotel, with nineteen millmen and lumbermen present. - The blackboard discussions before each of the meetings demonstrated the flexibility of the Schedules and ease of applying them, and proved conclusively that a standard pricing method is a practical success. Mr. Didesch and Mr. Nicholson relieved one another during the demonstrations and it is reported, did a thoroughly expert job in their role of schoolmaster. They took occasion to advance some pithy thoughts, among which were: "Your most important job is to see to it that the right figure is written down in the right-hand column of your estimate and invoice forms. It's the Profit, not the Volume, that Counts Any schedule which reflects the composite experience of the membership is a better price method for an industry to use than any one man's judgment or any single plant's records Estimating expense usually runs in the neighborhood of one-half of one per cent. If the use of schedules shoufd double or treble this expense, but in so doing, throu$h greater accuracy and more careful ahalysis, produce a five per cent or ten per cent better price, then the use of schedules is a justifiable investment, and an economic necessity. Schedules help to visualize the article to be priced. They help describe it, and an article property described, is already half-priced Standard Schedules put the management'g and the industry's best brains behind. the pencil of every estimator."
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