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Traditions meet in the FecEoL REDMex!
9Were is no more seruice in a trucktban The specifications tell the story of inbuilt is buih into it bl its manufacturers, service more cleadythan anythingexcept ac-
Agreatdeal depends, of course, uponnatural care in operation, but eventhat bears norelation to the truck's potential capacity to serve. The Fageol Redman,like all Fageol trucks, is supreme in its field because itis builtto an i&al of service that has inspired every Fageol job through eleven succesiful years of truck manufacture. Fageol tradition, and the tradition of the Redman, meet in this new Fageol truck. It will bear up under ovedoading. It is easily capable of fifry miles an hour with a twoand-a-half-ton pay load. But tbose are only minor indications of the sentice built into itl
CAP^crrY-t,000 pounds, CH^ssrs \TBrcHr-t,2t0 pounds.
Fmur-Six-inch pressed steel channel, hot riveted throughout ; three-inch flatge; la" thick.
l?rrcrrsasr-Standard, 178 inches; short wheelbase for dmp body, no charge; long wheelbase at exua cost.
Moron-Ifaukesha six cyinder wirh "Ricardo" high turbulence head; bore, 33A" ; stroke, 4Vz" ; horsepower, 31.7t S.A.E. rating; three point supension on moulded rubber pads; 7 bearing crankhaft. Full pressure lubrication to all main, connecting rod and camshafc bearings; oil pumped through Hall-Winslow oil filter before reaching bearings.
Censunrron-Zenith SV-5, U+" itrzke. Arn Crrar.rrn-United.
IcNrrroN-Robert Bosch.
GENERAToR-Delco-Remy, lnoNr Axrr-Timken drop forged "I" beam secrion. Timken roller bearin[s. Tretd, 6O/s". Turning radius, sandard wheelbase, 26'6". tual ownership. Study them carefully, noting particulady such features as the \$Taukesha sixcylinder motor with the famed Ricardo high turbulence head, the Timken three-bearing worm axle, and the \Testinghouse anplifying vacuum brakes which mean positive braking at all times and under all conditions. Such factors, plus Fageol engineering, mean that you are buying, in the Fageol Redman, a truck well worthy of botb the names it bears. See lour nearest Fageol dealer's
Dnrvs SHarr-Two-piece drive line ; Spicer uni versal joints: S.K.F. midship bearings.
Rnan Axlr-Timken three-bearing worm rype; worm of hardened sreel matins with bronze gear; Timken bearings throughoui. Tread, single tir6, 65Y8"; dta| tbes, 691t".
AXLE R^Tros-6y4:1.
Bnaxrs-Westinghouse vaou brakes, internal expanding on -rear wheels, duplex type, t6" diamercr drum; shoes, 3lc" face. Emergency brake internal expanding on rear wheel.
SpnrNcs-Chrome Vanadium steel throughout.
Front, 9 leaves, 4l"x2lz" : rcar, 12 leaves, i6" x3"; overload springs on rear standard.
CHAssrs LuBRrclTroN-Alemite high pressure system, S rrsnrNc-Ross cam and lever type with 18" Shellerite wheel. Steering posrser ro give maximum driving comfort; ball thrusr bearings, Furr Supply-Gasoline tank on chassis; capacity, 20 gallons; Stewart vacuum system.
WHBBLs-S.A.E. standard mounting.
CoortNc Sysrrv-Cellular rype core; ooe-piece cast aluminum shell, cushioned to frame with thick moulded rubber oads. Vater cirolated bv centrifugal pumD: radiaror capaciry, 7 galloos. Fan driven by "V" type belt.
CoNrnors-Spark and throttle levers mounted above wheel on sieering column; gear shift and emergency brake levers. at.c6nier; sr_aight thrusc loor accelerator with foot resc. Swirch. ammeter, oil eauge and instrument light on dash.
CrurcH-Dry plate, multiple disc; No. 3 S.A.E. nousrng.
TnaNsvrssroN-Brown-Lipe,. four sped; optional drrect on toufth or overdrNeTrnrs-Pneumatic cord, heavy dury. Front, l2x6; tear, 32x6 dual. Make of tires our option.
ELEcrRrc LTcHTTNG SysrEM-Elecrric headlishs with leqal lens. Electric tail.light, generator ind six-volt battery.
Elrcrnrc Sr,rnrrn-Delco - Remy starting motor. Pressed on gear.
ST,troano EqurrurNr-Metal dash and floor board : struccural steel front bmoer: full curved me fenders: electric horn: tobl [<it in roll: wheel and axle wrenches: heavy dutv ratchei screw iack ; oil can ; grease gun ;- motoimeter; speedo. meter; trfe carner and spere rlm.
SpEcrAL EeurpMENr--{pen or enclosed steel cab; solid tires ar exra cosrParNr-Brilliant distinctive red laccucr.