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For Redwood Retailers . ., oPPo?"tunity in rgzB
In Cdifornia Redwood, retailers have an oPPornrnity to profit from consumer acceptance -,guided buying.In the last three years hundreds of thousands of dollars have been sPent in educating the public on the merits of this remarkable wood. The story of Redwood has been read by millions uPon millions. Scores of thousands have written us asking for more detailed information.
A record was broken in the volume of Redwood sold last year. And this in the face of declining building all over the country.
LgzSwill be better than t927 rrrrd, t926 because success builds on success. Advertising value is cumulative. Friends of Redwood bring new friends. The educational work is going ofi,-sssadily, confidently, cffectively.
To stock Redwood is to offer what the public, in ever increasing numbers, knows and likes. To sell Redwood is to build into the homes of your customefs a product that will make you friends through the years.
The coupon below will bring you without cost a coPy of "California Redwood ". It gives accurate information on dozens of native woods. You need it for reference:.