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President Coolidge Officially Designates American Forestry Week
President Coolidge has officially designated the week of April 22-B as "American Forestry Week'f for nation-wide observance in a proclamation announced by the Department of Agriculture on Febtuary 27. The observance will be under the direction of the American Forest Week Comrnittee, of which Col. Theodore Roosevelt, of New York, is chairman. The President's proclamation is as follows:
For several years a special week has been set aside for public discussion of our forests and of what must be done to safeguard and restore them. Among the agencies making for progress in this direction, American Forest Week has proved its usefulness and l am glad to proclaim it again and to announce that Canada is again concurrehtly observing a similar week.
The rehabilitation of our forests demands first of all that the forest fire evil be suppressed. Many of the forested States, with the cooperation of timberland owners, have undertaken organized protection against forest fires; and in recent years, under the Clarke-McNary law, the Federal Government has given its support to the movement. This great cooperative enterprise must be extended and strengthened until every forested county in the United States is safeguarded against forest fires.
But we are still far from the goal of complete protection. Every year, on the average,.80,0m fires scourge our woodlands, steadily undermining their vitality. For this bad situation, the blame falls equally on us all. Public agencies rarely provide adequate protection against fire, the fimberland owner is too often indifferent to his property, the forest worker is too often neglectful of the future forest, the average citizen is too often careless with fire in the w,oods. We must all gain such respect for the forest that its destruction through indifference or carelessness shall be unthinkable.
We canhot permanently abuse our forests with impunity.
E. M. Dearing has been appointed secretary-manager of the Consolidated Shingle Mills of B. C., Ltd.
Mr. Dearing has had considerable experience which will be of great value to him in his new position, having acted for the last seven years as secretary-manager of the Pacific Coast Shippers' Association, the Vancouver branch of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Assoc,iation, and the B. C. Wholesale Lumbermen's Association.
The soil is the ultimate source of all wealth and of life itself. One-fourth of our American soil is best suited for forests. Much of this land is already idle. More of it is being made idle by destructive logging and fire. Yet we eannot safely permit our forest land to lie fallow and useless any more than we can permit our farms and factories to lie idle.
To make our vast empire of forest land fully productive of continuous crops of timber will have momentous consequences in our national life. It will give agriculture the advantage of a new and valuable crop. It will afford permanent employment to millions of men in the forest industrles.
It rvill provide raw materials for will furnish traffic for our railroads. eign and domestic commerce. It will conseryers of soil and water, and as pleasure to our people.
many industries. It It will maintain forrestore our forests as givers of health and
We already have made a beginning in forest renewal; but the task is stupendous, and we should permit no satisfaction over what has been done to blind us to the magnitude of what remains to be done.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, CALVIN COOLIDGE, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate and set aside as American Forest Week the week beginning April 22 and ending April 28, in this year of. 19?F,. I recommend to the Governors of the various States-that thev also designate this week for special observance by all our people; and that where practicable and not in conflict with law or custom, Arbor Day be observed during the course of the same week. I urge that during that week all citizens and appropriate organizations-including public officials, legislators, business organizations, educators, editors, clergymen, landowners, and others-give thought to the preser-' vation and wise use of our forests to the end that energetic forest policies will be adopted in all communities.
From the American Cable Company we learn that Mr. E. O. Johnstone. who for many years has been in charge of the r\merican Chain Company activities on the Pacific Coast, has been appointed district sales manager of the American Cable Company. Mr. Johnstone will make his headquarters as at present with the American Chain Company and associate companies at 425 Second Street, San Francisco.