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California Building Permits for February
PnNnL Srocn-at/TNEER in OAK
Philipoineilofngry fr,fnHOCnfrfy a White Cednr RED GUM fu4tt rod Fwrd prcehctedORE G ON PINE
And when lrre say "Service" we are not imposing on that very much abused word. 'We are strictly Plywood specialists. We have enormous stocks. You tell us what you want or what you want it for. We shoot-quick. When you order from us-get ready to receive goods. SEND FOR THIS BOOKLET

Also a Cornplete Lirc of PresseilWoodMouldings souru ALAMEDA sTREET Tehpbonc Tkinity cr,57 MzilingAd.drer"r.'P. O. Box 96, Arcadc Station I,OS ANGELES. CAUFORNIA
Eugene K. Sturgis, Oakland City Commissioner, was the speaker, at the regular luncheon meeting of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club, No. 39, held at the Leamington Hotel, Oakland, February 24th. Mr. Sturgis spoke on Municipal Taxation with special reference to the new business license tax, holding out no hope of relief from, or evasion of this tax, but in the course of his talk threw a lot of light on the methods used in arriving at the city budget and the manner in which the money is expended.
' Fred Roth, Supreme Bojum, gave a brief talk on what happened at the recent meeting of the Supreme Nine at Kansas City, and said that Parson Simpkin would be able to give more time in the future to the clubs on the Pacific Coast.
Earl E. White, of the East Bay Lumber and Mill Company, told of the doings at the Fresno meeting of the directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Associations.

J. E. Neighbor, of the Neighbor's Lumber Yard, was Chairman of the Day.
President Clem Fraser wielded the gavel luncheon auctioned off some very valuable dished out a few fines, Clyde Speer of Zenith ing to be the chief sufferer.
The next meeting will be held March 16th.
and during prizes and Mill, seem-
E. T. Sturgeon, of the Morrill & Sturgeon Lumber Company, Portland, Oregon, attended the convention of the 'Western Retail Lumber Dealers'Association at Salt Lake City February 23 to 25. Mr. Sturgeon's Company had an interesting exhibit of sandblasted rotary cut panels and transparent stains at the convention. This exhibit attracted a lot of attention.
General Grademarking Conference Called By Secretary Hoover To Follow
Following conference with Secretary of Commerce Hoover on Tuesday afternoon, January 31, the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, meeting in Washington January 31 and February 1, decided upon April 30, and May 1, and 2, as the meeting dates for the 26th Annual Convention of the National Association which will be held in Chicago, at the Congress Hotel.
For May 3 and 4 Secretary Hoover will call a General Standardization Conference in Washington at the Department of Commerce Building, with Grade-Marking of American Standard Lumber as the principal question to be considered.
Lumbermen Elect Officers For 1928
The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wilson Lumber Company of La Jolla, California, was held Tuesday, February l4th, at 7:30 P. M. in the company offices at T,a Jolla. The following officers were elected for the comrng year:
R. E. Davis, President; Ivan Rice, Vice-president; Karl Kenyon, Treasurer; William S. W. Low, Secretary; C. R. Wilson, Gen. Manager and Director; MacArthur Gorton, Director: H. E. Rhoads. Director.
W. E. Whiting, Philadelphia, was a recent California visitor where he spent several days on business matters. While in Los Angeles he was a visitor'at the offices of the Simonds Saw & Steel Co. where he conferred lvith G. I. Fischer. Mr. Whiting is associated wi'th the Abrasive Company of Philadelphia.
Yards and Offices: lA44 47th Ave. at E. 12th St.