4 minute read
Apartmenthouses use Laminex doorsdo you sell thern?
AprurunNr house builders are ouick to see the manv A advalsages of Laminex doors. they know that a doo'r that will stand soakinq in water for days at a time will give uouble-proof seriice under any climatic conditions. And if you find an apartment housd builder who doesn't know about laminet'doors, just give him the facts andthe reasonable prices at which Laminex doors are sold and you have mide another customer.
Beautiful, as well as trouble-proof
Iaminex doors have a handsome, clean-cut appearance that appeals to apanment house builders,yet theiire doors that you can sell at a good profit for much less than the prices usually paid for apaftment house doors of equal be"ory. And'dhen it corires to results-no door N any price'can give uouble-proof service like Laminex.
Scientifically constructed and absolutely guaranteed
The stiles and cross-tails of Iaminex doors are built on cores of clear, vertical grain blocks. Any tendency of one core block to shrink, swell or warp is immediately neutralized by opposing forces in adjoiiring core blocki. All parts of a Laminex door, induding the plywood pane:ls, are fumly united by Laminex ce*ment, whictr is absolutely waterproof and acnrally stronger than wood. The success of I-aminex has tempted others to offer guaranteed veneered doors, out'wardly resemblinglaminex doors but lackingthemoisture-resistance that only Iaminex waterproof cement can give. For your own protection, insist on doors that bear the yellow replacement guarantee label and the. name "Le,urNrx."
Ask your distributor about l^aninex doors
I a'osld liAe detaib ofyotr deahr belp plan
If"di"€ distributors can supply you with pppular .llligns of Lamrnex doors at Dflces that assufe vou a sood Droht. ltvou are unable to get Lami-nex doors from ydur locil lobber, writius and we will put you in touch with a iobber who will supplv vou. Mail the couion-for our new book'that explains the'a'di'ahraees of Laminei construction. Learn how easv itls to conductthe fairous. business-building Laminex door so-aking test. Get our dealei help plan.
Pacific Coast Wooden Box Manufacturers To Meet At Sacramento
A meeting of the Pacific Coast Group of the National Association bf Wooden Box Manufacturers will be held at the Hotel Senator, Sacramento, California, on April 27th and 28th. Invitati,ons to attend this meeting will bc sent to all Wooden Box Manufacturers on the Pacific Coast.
At the last meeting of this Association held in San Francisco last year, it wal decided that it would be well for all Box Manirfacturers to have as many of their salesrnen, field men, box factgry superintendents and foremen as possible present at this meeting. It is believed that "roundiable" diicussion of matters iiportant to the box industry will bring forth much useful information when discussed by men who are on the firing line.
'This will be a "round-tabl;" meeting similar to the last meeting held in San Francisco in December. A docket of o'roooGd subiects for discussion will be mailed to members *itirit a shoit time. These are in part as follows:
Substitute-Wooden Box competition; Marketing problems; Trade promotion; New light weight boxes-. Customers' requirements-How the;r can best be serviced; Better printing -of Wooden Boxes; Development of new uses for Woode-n Boxes; New and improved hethods of production.
This Association extends -an invitation to all Wooden Box Manufacturers to attend this meeting.
A fourth generator has been installed in the power-plant of the Long-Aell Lumber Company, Longview, W-ash., which will increase the capacity of the plant to 24,00O k. w. The new generator is of 600O k. w., and,the-equipment includes hr; l2OO-horsepower boilers, each with a rating of 26 per cent overload.
Heavy Timbers Used To Move Concrete Fire Wall
They do big things on a big scale in California in public utility circles. When the Southern California Fdison Compnny decided to move its two 30,000-bbl. steel tanks, used for fuel oil, to'a new site, a series of temporary ponds were formed about them bv earth dikes and the tanks were turned temporarily intir ships which were floated to their new location.
The concrete fire wall which surrounded them was cut into sections 35 feet long and weighing approximately 7Q tons each. On each side of these sections crib work built of big timbers was erected and Douglas fir beams 2 f.eet square and over 30 feet long were placed across above them. The wall sections were then suspended to the beams, each beam carrying a load of 7O,000 lbs. and the crib work was moved by rollers until the wall reached its new location.
The outstanding value of big timbers for such construction is exemplified by this unusual job of moving. After the work was over the lumber used was still in good condition and available for other similar operations.
Fred A. Hart, Hart-Wood Lumber Co., Portland, is sojourning at La Jolla. On his way south, he spent a few days in Los Angeles where he conferred with Ted L.awrence, manager of their Southern California operatiohs. Mrs. Hart accompanied him on the tr!p. They plan to be at La Jolla for about a month.
Frank Minard Visits San Francisco
Frank Minard, manager of the C. S. Pierce Lumber Co,, Fresno, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he sfient a few days calling on his many lumbermen friends and attending to company business matters.

In "Robbins" Floorins vou ir€ ?ssurd of the very fin-est that has er/er been, or ever will be produced. Our geographical location, t h e modern machinery in our mill, and the t5pe of men who make our fooring, all go to make this statemelt_poqsi[e. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.
Southcrn Cdifornia:
5il5-6 Pctrolcun Sccuritior Bldgo Lor Angclcr l\fErtnorc 9055
Northcrn Californie: GEORGE C. CORNITIUS, Amcrican BrnL Bldg. San Francirco
The tendency of modern architecture to combine beauty and utility with simplicity of design is well illustrated in the completed Arcady Apartments at Los Angeles, Calif.

The pennanency and strength of this beautiful structure is guaranteed by 70,000 sacks of Victor Portland Cement used in its construction.