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Move YourBusiness
oU CAN'T get to the markets on a "dead horse'f.-..and you carft keep your business on the profit side of the line unless you have up,to-date merchandise that the maiority of the peo' ple know and want!
This is particulady tnre of shingle profits. But.-.we do not tell you that it takes PIONEER YOSEMITE ROCK SURFACED SHINGLES to make your line complete and up,to,date.-.we don't have to tell you! When the majority of people think about shingles they think of Pioneer....ttrd the Pioneer Dealer cashes in
What better leader-.volume builder and profit maker can you find than the PIONEER YOSEMITE ROCK SURFACED SUPER HEX? Where can you get a more complete line of shingle styles and absolutely non.fading colots..-where can you be sure of more adequate stocks to fill every requirement? Where can you get more constnrctive sales help than from the Pioneer Engineerlng Department?
This is the combinatlon that will move you into bigger profits and keep you ihere*.but ids your move 6rst!
Becaus€ it.....
Produces DOUBLE THICKNE S S OVERTHEENTIRE ROOF SURFACE ' ' doubly water-tight and weatherproof.
Gives the much desired semi-thatched efiect and a pronounced shadow-line.
Will outlast the building " " do€s not rotr rust or crack t r v r ithtttuJt€ to acids and alkali.
Imnuhe to flying sparks and ernbers ' bears the Class C Label reducing insurance rates on both home and contentQ.'

Is made in beautiful and absolutely non-fading Yosemite rock colors " ' ? ? never needs paint or stain.
Goes right over the old wood shingles for re-roofing
Gives Greater Protection Per Dollar Per Year v r v' lasts longer t t t t looks better.
Is manufactured exclusively by PIONEER PAPER COMPANY' INC.' insuring full service and cooperation for you'and a better prcduct for Your customers.