2 minute read
In Growlng lDemand
Ptarterer choore Monoltth Plartla Waterproot Port' lrnd Genent for ltt tacter, eatler ccyer, agco Gontracto"r know thet tor the rane cost thcy can do a better lob.
Ownerr preter lf,on, ottth beceure lt at. surea abrolute wat' crproofnel$ Mono- tlth lr uncquatlcd tor rtucco welb, toundatloor, retelp' lng wattf l rGCGr' volrr, swlnrnlngpootl, condultr, danc and lllot.
Are you takirrgadvantagc ol the growlng dcnand lorthlrffityplertlc watcrproot cetncnt?
Dlonollth Pottland Gernent Gornpanlr
Prize Troplry Cup Is Offered inr tach State by National. Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau in contest Sponsored by Division of Community Servicg General F'ederation of Women's Clubs
. _New York, January 3O.-Specific reports of painting jobs accomplished are among the requirements for cot'nmunities in each of the forty-eight states which enter a nation-wide contest sponsored by the Division of Community Service, Department of Education, General Fed- eration of Women's Clubs, in L9?3, in which a prize trophy yz6, rrr a prrze tropny cup, provided by the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau, will be awarded to the "Cleanest Town" in each state in the United Statesforty-eight prizes in all.
Mrs. Dolly Dean Burgess, Chairman of the Division of Community Service, through the "Federation News," the official magazine of the General Federation of 'Women's Clubs, and by direct mail, is specifically instructing en' trants in the contest to write to the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau, 243 West 39th St., New York, N. Y., for full particulars.
In each state, the award will be made, not upon the condition of the community at present, but upon the progress made during the 1928 Campaign, to be shown by "Before and After" photographs and specific reports of the achievements on
Chicago, 'Pittsburgh, and other cities, which have made notable records. The items to be reported include houses painted, walls painted, floors painted or varnished, fences painted, outbuildings painted, screens painted, roofs painted, walls papered or kalsomined, and walls cleaned.
The conditions of the contest are very broad, in that communities are eligible to enter the contest, regardless of the local auspices uhder which the campaign is conducted, or the designation that is used, so long as they do the job of cleaning up and beautifying and make a detailed specific report of their accomplishments.
The response to the announcement of the cohtest has been h_eavy, and the staff of the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau has been busy all thiough January handling inquiries from the 'Women's Clubs desirous of making an early start in their preparations for the campaign.
Mrs. J. E. Fraser, of San Francisco, Secretary-Manager of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, attended the Western Retailers' Meeting at Salt Lake City on February 23, 24 and. 25, at which time she was elected Second Vice President of the Wornen's Auxiliary to the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association.