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Conduct Home Repair and Building Programs Under Revised FHA Plan
Washington, D. C., I\Iarch S.-Citizens in approximately 3500 cities and towns in every state have accepted chairmanships of Better Housing Committees to conduct home repair and residential construction programs in the coming months under the revised provisions of the Federal Housing Administration plan, it was announced today by Administrator Stewart McDonald.
All of these chairmen acted in the same capacity in the home improvement programs conducted under FHA sponsorship several years ago throughout the country which resulted in millions of dollars in repairs, alterations and additions to homes, Mr. McDonald said. When the programs are in full swing, it is anticipated that more than 5,000 local chairmen will have accepted the responsibility for their organization and leadership.
While the new provisions of the Property Improvement Credit Plan and home financing programs under FHA's Mutual Mortgage Insurance system have been law only a few weeks, a national set-up of local Better Housing Committees is now virtually perfected. In fact, a number of local units have already begun operations.
The local Better Housing Committees will work closely with the 67 state and district insuring offices of the Federal Housing Administration, Mr. McDonald said. Complete assistance in the matter of specific details on the Property fmprovement Credit Plan of FHA and its home buying provisions under the Mutual Mortgage Insurance system will be given by representatives of such State and District FHA offices.
A manual, "suggestions for Committee Organization and Procedure" is now being prepared by the Federal Housing Administration here for use by local Better Housing Committees and will be distributed soon, Mr. McDonald said' Other literature on the program will be furnished Committee heads by the State and District FHA offices.
Local meetings of financial institution representatives, real estate men, builders, contractors, architects and others in the home repair and construction business will be held, at which details of the community programs will be explained.
Jones Hardwood Company recently moved to new and larger quarters at 1'101 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco. Their new telephone number is VAlencia 420O.
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