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New Redwood Plywood
Beautiful plywood panels with veneer of California Redrvood have at last been perfected, and the process is now geared to a production basis. The process was invented and perfected by the Harbor Plywood Corporation of Hoaquim, Wash.
Redwood peeler logs from the Hammond Redwood Co,mpa.ny on Humboldt Bay, Calif., are transported to the Northwest plant where they are converted into Redwood plywood. Wood technologists, glue experts, and veneer men have long endeavored to make a Redwood plywood, and until the Harbor process was devel.oped the de,mands of architects, decorators, and designers of laminated panels of Redwood were unanswered. Now Redwood plywood is available to the lumber trade; panels as large as 5'xl2' are standard, and larger sizes are available on special order.
In this new plywood the cores and cross bands are usually made with veneers of Douglas fir, thereby capitalizing on the esthe'tic and service characteristics of both woods. However, all the veneer plies, including the core, cross bands and faces, may be ,of Redwood, the choice being optional with the buyer.
The-bonding agent used to weld the thin veneers of wood into giant panels is stronger than the wood itself. I't is insoluble even in boiling water, is highly vapor resistant and toxic to termites, all insects, and r'odents.
Due to the physical characteristics of Redwood, it was found necessary to give the peeler blocks a pre-treatment, and then an entirely new peeling process involving special equip,ment was developed.
The binder used in constructing Redwood plywood is a refinement of an exclusive compound using cresol formaldehyde synthetic resins. The plywood made with this binder is strictly water-proof and is guaranteed against separation of plies due to any moisture or weathering condition.
The panels are branded on the edge with the company's trade name, and are carefully wrapped in attractive dustproof packages which assures their safe delivery in a clean and finished condition.
California distributors for the new Redwood plywood are the Hammond Redwood Company, San Francisco and Ils Angeles; Maris Plywood Corporation of San Francisco, and Geo. E. Ream Company of Los Angeles.
Attended Convention
F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, attended the annual convention of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association held at the Davenport Hotel, Spokane, Wash., February 17 to 19. Mr. Prescott is a director of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association.
Fills a definite need in the conrtruction or rcnovation of a building or. home where convenience, service and cost tre prerequisites.