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Cafifornia Buifding Permits for February
Southern California Lumbermen's Golf Tournament March 18
A big turnout is expected at the Southern California lumbermen's golf tournament to be held at the Virginia Country Club, Long Beach, Friday afternoon, March 18. Dinner will be served in the Club House in the evening, after which the prizes will be awarded to the winners in the various events. Music will be furnished during the dinner hour.
Stuart Smith, general chairman of the golf tournament, is being assisted by the following: Harry Graham, arrangements; Russell Gheen, prizes; Jack Thomas, handicaps; Ed Biggs, tickets, and Ed Martin, publicity.
Members of the lumber fraternity and allied industries who are visiting in Southern California are especially invited to attend. Lumbermen's Post, No. 403, is sponsoring the tournament.
Chairman Smith requests that you mail in your reservations as soon as possible.
Hobbs Wall Mill Starts
Hobbs Wall & Company resumed operation of their mill at Crescent City March 1, after having been shut down for some time, and have already shipped considerable lumber to San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Lewis A. Godard, sales manager, reports that they are extending their railroad into a new block of Redwood timber which is among the finest in existence, an{ which will give them 20 years' additional cut.
Wisconsin Lumberman Visits Los Angeles
W. D. Connor, Jr., Connor Lumber & Land Company, Marshfield, Wis., was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he called on some of the trade. Connor Lumber & Land Company operate mills at Laona, Wis., and Connorville, Mich., manufacturing Northern hardwoods, pine, hemlock, rock maple and birch flooring. The company is represented in the Los Angeles territory by the Whiteside Lumber Co.
San Francisco Visitors
Frank D. Butler, sales manager of the Thompson Lumber & Piling Co., Portland, was recently in San Francisco on a business and pleasure trip. He was accompanied by Nfrs. Butler.