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Certigrade Home Dedicated
Shown here on the site in Arlington County, Virginia, where the first unit is now under construction, are the two United States Senators from the lumber producing state of Washington dedicating the "Certigrade Home." From left to right: Senator Homer T. Bone and Senator Lewis B.
Schwellenbach from the State of Washington; W. W. Woodbridge, Jr.; G. E. DeNike, secretary, New Jersey Lumbermen's Association, Newark, N. J.; Miss Janet Carnahan; Paul S. Collier, secretary-manag'er, Northeastern Retail Lumbermen's Association, Rochester, N. Y.; Bruce A. Wilson, director, Department of Education, Federal Housing Administration, Washington, D. C.; Frank Carnahan, secretary-manager, National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, Washington, D. C.; W. D. Richardson, technical engineer, Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, New York City; and W. W. Woodbridge, manager, Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle.
A miniature model of the "Certigrade Home" served as a center piece for the dedication, and was later in the same day taken by Senator Bone to his desk in the United States Senate where he made it the subject of a twenty-minute address.
The Red Cedar Shingle Bureau has obtained Loan No. I from the FHA under the amende.d NHA for construction of this S-room home.
Aslct Delay o[ Lumber Freight Rate Increase Geo. E. Ream Company in New Warehousc
Washington, March 11.-The California Redwood Association asked the Interstate Commerce Commission today to suspend for at least thirty days the recently authorized Iumber freight rate increase.
Thc association said the only service from Humboldt county is by the Northwestern Pacific, which was badly damaged by floods. The petition said the line probably cannot be reopened until April 1.
The I.C.C. authorized a 5 per cent increase in lumber freight rates in its decision Tuesday.
Deffaulted Fha Title I Loans Under 2 Per Cent
Washington, Feb. 19.-Out of $56O,598,118 of modernization and repair loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration, net losses sustained by the government amounts to less than 2 per cent, according to Administrator Stewart McDonald.
The total number of loans insured by the Federal Housing Adrninistration under the modernization and repair program is about 1,500,000.
Geo. E. Ream Company, wholesale distributors of nationally known brands of building materials, moved recently to their permanent warehouse at 235 South Alameda Street, Los Angeles.
The new warehouse has 30,000 square feet of floor space, all on one floor, giving ample space for the large stocks of the various materials carried by the company for prompt cleliveries to dealers.
A special feature of the new plant is the covered loading platform, 3000 square feet in extent, alongside which trucks and trailers can be driven out of the traffic. and which has every facility for speedy loading.
Offices are in the front end of the building. These consist of a large general office, three private offices and a room for the convenience of customers.
The new telephone number of the Geo. E. Ream Company is Mlchigan 1854.
Adds New Equipment
South City Lumber & Supply Co., South San Francisco, has purchased four new Transit mix'trucks. Manager I. E. Horton announced the Transit mixers were bought from the Mutual Engineering Company of South San Francisco.
Plywood Has New Use
Recent news carries mention of a new development in the use of plywood, an all-wood light bornbing plane made almost entirely of wood.
In detail the airplane is a twin engined transport u'l-rich can be converted over night into a highly potent light bomber. It has been designed for marketing in lucrative foreign governmental fields by aviator engineers headed by Vance Breese, veteran test pilot. It is made of laminated 45 degree 1>lyrvood, the midwing ship weighing slightly more than two tons empty. It carries six passengers and a two-man crew and has been named for its commercial backer, Frank W. Bennett of Dallas.
Details are a top speed of 206 miles; a cruising rate of 185 miles an hour; tank holding 200 gallons of fuel; two engines; production cost less than $35,000; every cubic inch of space offering ready possibilities for its use as a light bomber; a snout elongated to allor,r' for a foru'ard machine gun turret.
Makes Report On 1937 Building
According to estimates of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. U. S. Department of L.abor. new buildings in urban areas were provided during 1937 f.or 211 ,265 families. This was a more than 6 per cent increase over 1936.
Except in cities of 100,000 to 500,000 there were gains in all size groups, and espeiially in one-familv and trvo-family houses. The number of dwellinq units provided in nerv apartment houses declined by 9 per cent.
The largest gains occurred in the Middle Atlantic states and in the Pacific Coast states. Of the total number of dwelling units nearly 70 per cent rvere one-family houses.
Redwood Industry Will Continue Fire Control Program
San Francisco, March 5-The California Redwood lumber industry is fully in accord with the principles of Conservation Week and will continue in 1938 its fire control program in the redwoods in cooperation with the State Division of Forestry, President Carl W. Bahr of the California Redwood Association announced here today.
Undor the supervision of Professor Emanuel Fritz of the University of California, consulting forester to the California Redwood Association, the redwood industry in 1937 entered into a voluntary program of self-regulation, resulting in one of the lowest annual fire losses on record. The program set forth definite practices suggested jointly by the State Forester M. B. Pratt and the industry itself which resulted in positive control of both slash burning and accidental fires.
Agricultural leaders in the principal redwood counties, Humboldt, Mendocino, Del Norte and Santa Cruz, also joined the state and lumber industry forces in advocating a fire control policy, which was carried out successfully. Lumbermen refrained from burning slash and ranchers from setting off range land during the'dangerous months between May 15 and the first soaking rains. Special fire fighting crews were maintained by the lumber operators to cooperate with state forces, and in no case was a fire allowed to get out of control. The same plan, with improved facilities, will be followed during 1938, Mr. Bahr declared.
Governor F. F. Merriam has set March 7 to 14 as official Conservation Week. Representatives of the redwood industry will join in various observances throughout the state.
\(/. E. \(/heeler
William E. Wheeler, \I, n, secretary of the Wheeler Pine Company, San Francisco, passed away Monday, March 7, following a brief illness.
He was the son of Mr. and I\[rs. John E. Wheeler of San Mateo, and was graduated from Yale with the class of 1933. He had traveled extensively in Europe and the Orient with the aim of becoming an authority on Oriental affairs.
He held membership in the American Oriental Society, the Institute of Learned Societies of America, the Institute Kondakov of Prague, the lJniversity Club of San Francisco, Sons of the American Revolution and a social member of the Association of Former Russian Naval Officers here.
In addition to his parents, he is survived by a brother, John P. 'Wheeler, student at Yale, and two sisters, Margaret K. Wheeler, student at Wellesley College, and Mrs' Carl W. Carlmark of Langley Field, Va.
Institutions Making Fha Loans
Washington, Feb. l9.-Nearly 6000 mortgage lending institutions are actively engaged in making home mortgage loans under the Federal Housing Administration insured mortgage system, according to a recent analysis. This represents an increase of approximately 900 institutions over the same date last Year.