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Therets a good reason
"It should be borne in mind," Mr. McDonald continued, "that virtually all of the properties represented in the above table are small single-family homes. These figures do not include large scale multi-family operations under Sections N7 and 210, nor do they include property improvement loans made unde Title I.
"Our preliminary reports on other phases of FHA operations are highly satisfactory but complete figures are not yet available. I may say, however, that since the signing of the amended Housing Act by President Roosevelt on February 3rd nearly $30,000,000 of large scale projects have been submitted to Washington headquarters for approval. A large additional number of these projects have been submitted to our district insuring offices in various parts of the country.
"Lending institutions have thirty days in which to report property improvement loans made under Title I. Up to this time only fragmentary reports have come in on this type of lending. We do know, however, that the lending institutions which did the bulk of the Title I business prior to last April have also signed up contracts to resume lending under that Title.
"There may be significance in the fact that the Federal Housing Administration has not been able to supply loan application blanks fast enough to meet the demands from lending institutions."
SNIDER RED (EDAR SHINGTES Make profitable Sa/es
Good roolg, trnd lherelore good shingler qre qn inportcnt pcrt ol building. Not only cs tr protection torn cll bn& ol weclher, but cs c prolection ton rotting trnd genercrl wetr. A good rool lcrid ol Snider Red Cedcr ahingler properly l<rid is good Ior lorty yecrs. To rell high qucli- ty products instille rerpect in your community-a vclucrble aaset lo cny bueiness. Stress, too, in aelling guclity roofs the becruty ol Snider ehirrglea--+uch q root crd& to tbe value ol cny building.
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