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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rate---$z.So Per Column Inch.
For Lease
Warehouse suitable for lumber storage or building material business. 80x135 feet, with 2X)-foot head cleaiance, Santa Fe Railway trackage, equipped with office space and 15-ton unloading electric hoist. Will lease for five years. Roy E. Harrington, ll09 Main Street, Venice, Calif. phone Santa Monica 64993.
Position Wanted
Yard or cargo dock foreman, order clerk, salesman or general work in office and yard. Age 49. 2g years lumber expeience in Washington, Oregon and California in above positions. Last 12 years in Southern California. Best lumber 'references. Address Box C-708, California Lumber Merchant.
Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Yard Manager Wanted
Wanted experienced California branch yard manager. Town of forty thousand in Southern California. Address Box C-705, California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted Salesman
Wanted experienced lumber salesman for territory adjacent to Los Angeles. Salary and commission. State past emplo5rment and record. Address Box C-704, Cdifornia Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Lumber yards for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., geles. Telephone PRospect E746.
Lumber Los An-
20 Miles of Redwood Pipe Ingtalled Frank Carnahan Heads Advisory Committee for San Francisco Fair of National Small Homes Demonstration
In the construction of the $40,000 storm sewer project for the drainage of Treasure fsland, site of the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition on San Francisco Bay, approximately 20 miles of redwood pipe will be used.
Close to 100,000 lineal feet of pipe has already been installed under the first two contracts to be let for this wo.rk. The first unit completed by Eaton & Smith at a cost of $79,567 called for a total of. 77,L16 feet of redwood stave pipe ranging from ten to thirty-four inches.. The second unit requiring 18,268 feet of pipe from ten to 36 inches together with leader runs has been finished by the same firm at a figure of $75,W2. These contracts called for pipe of redwood staves milled from clear redwood lumber properly seasoned, free from knots and with a moisture content of not more than N per cent. Some of the dimensions were built in the ditch with tongue and groove staves while other sizes were machine banded and brought in longer lengths to be put together on the job.
Drainage of the man-made 400-acre island will be accomplished by ten separate gravity storm sewer systems, each system draining a portion of the area from the center to the seawall, discharging through corrugated culverts. Collection will be through 400 catch basins. The majority oi heads are at an elevation of plus 11 feet while outlets through the seawall are at an elevation of 6 feet above mean high tide. The shallowest depth of the pipe line is two feet below the surface with an averag'e of three feet. Grades vary from .0015 to .0040. These systems were designed to take off an intensity of rainfall up to 2.05 inches per hour for five minutes, an intensity which may be expected to occur in a two year period.
All underground systems for the $5O,00O,00O Pageant of the Pacific are expected to be completed in April, 1938.
Washington, D. C., Feb. 26,-The National Small Homes Demonstration, an activity initiated jointly by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association and the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, to promote the nationwide building of economical small homes, announces that Frank Carnahan of Washington, D. C. has accepted the chairmanship of its Advisory Committee. This Committee includes the most representative group of building material and equipment and building industries which has ever participated in a cooperative movement of this kind.
Mi. Carnahan is widely known throughout the lumber and building industries as the tireless, energetic and enthusiastic secretary of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association. The headquarters of the National Small Homes Demonstration are at 1337 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C.; its secretary is H. R. Northrup, assistant secretary of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.
The National Small lfomes Demonstration has just issued a publication "Demonstration Homes for 1938" with numerous advertising and publicity helps, and with complete plans, working drawings, material lists and specifications for eight demonstration small homes ranging in size from 3Vz to 7 rooms, and two demonstration farm l'romes. This material is being made available through retail lumber dealers throughout the country interested in demonstrating in their own communities the possibilities of building and ownership of modern, well-equipped homes at a cost within the range of families of small income.
The number of dealers and builders throughout the country who have already declared their interest in participating in this program exceeds 44N--a thousand more than the participants at this time a year ago in the similar Small Homes Demonstration of 1937.