5 minute read
Appointed West Coast Stained Shingle Co. Representative in So. California
The appointment of W. A. Warner of Portland, Oregon, as sales representative of the West Coast Stained Shingle Co. in Southern California was made in Seattle recently by Phillip W. Bailey, manager of the concern.
Mr. Warner, who is widely known on the Pacific Coast, and in the building material field, will make his headquarters in Los Angeles, where he will handle the company's full line of products. These include stained shingles, hand-split shakes, processed shakes and the nationally advertised Creo-Dipt Shingles and Stain.
e"We are delighted at the new association with Mr. Warner," Mr. Bailey said. "He comes to us with a wide experience and acquaintance on the Coast in the building materials business. Ife was sales manager of the Vancouver Plywood & Veneer Company for the past few years, having resigned because of a serious illness from which he has now fully recovered. Before that he was in the brick manufacturing business, then president and manager of a large building material business in Portland. He has had six years' experience with the Wood Conversion Company of St. Paul, a subsidiary of the Weyerhauser Forest Products Company. In his work he has covered the lumber jobbing trade over the entire United States and a portion of the time was spent in Southern California cities where he has a large number of friends."
Mr. Warner has already left Portland and taken up residence in Los Angeles.
Hardwood Salesmen Meet
A dinner meeting attended by all the sales forces of the members of the Hardwood Institute of Southern California was held at the Jonathan Club, Los Angeles, on the evening of March 3.
Inside and outside salesmen as well as owners and managers were present. W. B. "Bill" Jones, Owens-Parks Lumber Company, was chairman. The attendance numbered 75.
E. L. Bruce, nationally known manufacturer of hardwoods, addressed the gathering, and brief talks were given by the principals of the various firms.
The conserrsus was that it was a very satisfactory meeting and h.-rpes were expressed that further meetings will be held.
Tour South America
E. A. Blocklinger, president of the Chiloquin Lumber Co., Chiloqtrin, Oregon, and Mrs. Blocklinger, have just completed an interesting tour through the South American countries. They returned to the West Coast lly way of New York City.
Seventh Annual Reveille April 21-22
Lloyd Harris, Elliott Bay Sales Co., Oakland, general chairman of committees for the Seventh Annual Reveille of Northern California lumbermen, announces that the Reveille will be held in Oakland on Friday evening, April 2I, followed by the golf tournament on Saturday morning, April 22, at Sequoyah Country Club. It is sponsored as in former years by East Bay Hoo Hoo Club. Carl R. Moore is general secretarytreasurer.
The committees are as follows: Finance Committee-Ias. B. Overcast, chairman; Clement Fraser, Henry M. Hink, H. Lincoln, Jr., Kenneth J. Shipp.
The decler who stoclcs \lEtO lfighEcrrly-strengrth Portlcrnd CEMENT is Lloyd Hcrrir in cr position to serve customers when the service is most keenlY apprecicrted.
Entertainment CommitteeDon Coveney, chairman I Lew Godard, J.J. Ifelm, Tom T. Branson, B. E. Bryan.
Golf Committee-H. Sewall Morton, chairman; F. K. Peil, C. I. Speer, Ed La Franchi, Tom T. Branson. Publicity Committee-D. Normen Cords, chairman; Jim Farley, Vic Herrman, G. W. Sechrist, W. T. Black, Geo. M. Cornwall.
Banquet Committee-Wm. Chatham, Jr., chairman; A. M. Charter, Arthur D. Williamson, John R. Freeman. Programs an.d Posters Committee-Gordon D. Pierce, chairman; M. B. "Ni.ck" Carter, R. P. Cook, Jack Ferri, Frank Teakle.
Ticket Sales Committee-Arthur D. Williamson, chairman; Larue Woodson, G. F. Bonnington, C. I. Gilbert, Frank Trower, Miland Grant, Harry Hood, Merle Bishop, Jim McNabb, N. Stanley.
General Committee-Lloyd Harris, chairman; Jas B. Overcast, Don Coveney, H. Sewall Morton, D. Normen Cords, Wm. Chatham, Jr., Gordon D. Pierce, Arthur D. Williamson, Tom T. Branson, Carl R. Moore, secretarytreasurer.
A fine baby boy arrived at San Mateo on February 21. He is the first-born son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O'Neill. Mr. O'Neill is a partner in the firm of O'Neill Lumber Company, San Francisco.
Our crdvertisement lor Besnprest plywood ia Februcrry issue Calilornic Lumber Merchcnrt wcrs incorrect in lecturing the Federcrl Buil.ling. This should hqve been Ccrlilomicr Stcte Building. Super Hcnbord plnrood was used on exterior ol Federcrl Building.
Portlcrnd, Oregon
Concrete work must olten be done industriol plonl without interfering production. There is cr mcrchine foundotion to be built, a floor to be lcrid, cr drivewcry or loclding plctform to be repdired in the shortest time possible. Around homes crrd public buildings, clso, similcr emerg-
And VELO is THE emergency cement. In mqny types of work it mokes concrete reqdy for use within 24 hours. Foundcrtion forms cqn be stripped in 48 hours or less' Being extremely plcrstic, VELO makes cm easy mix <rnd cr dense, wcrtertight concrete. Its fincl strength meets the highest stqndcrds for Portland cement.
Recommend VELO without quolificcrtions . . . ond keep it in stock for customers' emergencies!
Her Gift
Never to see her wondrous smile again, She took my hand, she kissed me with her eyes, We can't go on, she said; I laughed. She lied. She always lied. I dared not question, Was afraid to know why she turned back, While I went on alone, But I have kept her with me as I go. In tall imperious trees whose fingers reach appealingly, To grasp the blue of space, in cool, deep scented grasp, In rippling brooks that silver little pebbles in their way, In chattering, perfumed crowds that jostle, frown, and pass, In hornely, quiet rooms where friendship is, I feel her presence, almost hear hir voice.
The wind and sun will come to me from her, Her eyes will shine from a pale corn flower's heart, A book shall be her message, and a song Her whispered benediction. Ah, Love, I could not keep you, but you gave A greater, finer thing than that you kept.
-H. B. D.
Why We Live
We live to learn, that we may learn to live. We welcome good books as we welcome good friends. We hunger for knowledge that will broaden our mental horizon and dig deep into the well of learning for a better understanding of interesting people. We follow unknown jungle trails and tramp burning deserts that we may see, hear, and know. We bend every effort for a fuller, richer, happier Iife. Yet how little effort we put forth for a SAFER life.
-Floyd Gibbons.
His Choice
Doctor: "Now, Sonny, this little operation won't be bad at all. Just take some deep breaths, and everything will be O.K."
Tough Kid: "Aw, Doc, I ain't worryin'about that. But lissen! I don't want no baby, see? I want a pup."
If You Want To Be Loved
Don't contradict people, even if you are sure you are right.
Don't be inquisitive about the affairs of even your most intimate friend.
Don't underrate anything because you don't possess it. Don't believe that everybody else in the wo ld is happier than you.
Don't conclude that you have never had any opportunities in life.
Don't be rude to your inferiors in social position. Don't repeat gossip, even if it does interest a crowd. Learn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile. Learn to mind your own business. -The Friend.
A balky mule has four-wheel brakes, A billy goat has bumpers, The firefy has a bright spotlight, And rabbits are puddle-jumpers. Camels have balloon-tired feet, And carry spares of what they eat, But still I think that nothing beats The kangaroos with rumble seats.
A Wide Difference
"Papa," said the young son, "What is the difference between a statesman and a politician?"
"A statesman, my son, wants to do sornething for his country. A politician wants his country to do something for him."
He Knew
Bachelor Uncle: "Iilow old is the baby?"
Proud Father: "Six months."
Bachelor Uncle: "Talk yet?"
Proud Father: "No, not yet."
Bachelor Uncle: "Boy, eh?"
I gazed ulrcn an orchid fairEnchanted by its beauty rareAnd thought of you.
I saw it purchased by a guy, Whose money, anything could buyAnd thought of you.