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\Testern Pine Holds Annual Meetings at San Francisco
Swilt Berry, Michisan-California Lumber Co., Camino, Colif. , Elected President
The annual meetings of the Western Pine Association were held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on February 22,23 and 24. The Promotion and Research committees met on February 22, and the Promotion, Grading, Statistical, Traffic and Executive committees held their meetings on February 23. The sales managers also met on February 23.
The annual members' meeting was held February 24. Sixty five member companies were representecl rvith a total attendance of more than 10O.
C. L. Isted of Bend, Ore., president of the Association, presided. lVIr. Isted in his annual report referred to the fact that following the usual plan a very complete report of the Association's activities for the year 1938 hal already been mailed to the membership.
The president made appreciative comment on the fine work of the Association staff and the voluntary work done by the standing committees. lle discussed a number of the industry's problems, making special reference to distribution practices. After a stlnlruary of various predictions regarding the business possibilities for 1939 he concluded by saying that he thought they could look forward to 1939 being a better year than 1938 with a possible gradual increase from month to month.
The president's report u,as follorved by a talk by S. V. Fullaway, Jr., secretary-manager on "The Staff of the Western Pine Association." At the close of his talk Mr. Fullaway introduced nine veterans of the staff, each of them getting hearty applause frorn the members.
Following this a dernonstration of appreciation was given by the members for the work of Mr. Fullawal, Mr. Isted and N[r. Griffee.
The treasurer's report was given by Trurnan Collins.
The report of the Executive and Economics committee was given by Chairrnan C. L. Isted, with a review of 1938, and by C. W. Griffee, r,r'ho spoke on the statistical position of the industry.
Front row-Veru lohnson, chiel inapector; Mrs. Alene Herqld, bookkeeper-ccshieu Heary lensen, lumber inspeclorr V. E. (Vic) Iohnston, promotion repreeentctive. Bcck row-J. W. (Icrck) Stewcrrt, lumber inspector Albert Hermcnn, in chcrge oI gecsoning cnd resecrrch; A. E. (Al) Johnson, lumber inspector; N. t. (Roy) Cqry, in chcrge ol promotion depcrlment; T. A. (Tom) Ssndoe, lumber inspector.
Reports of the other standing committees were given by the chairmen as follows: Grading, W. E. Lamm, I-amm Lumber Co., Modoc Point, Ore.; Statistical, Don Lawrence, \\reyerhaeuser Sales Co., Spokane, Wash.; Traffic, A. J. Voye, Big Lakes Box Co., Klamath Falls, Ore.; Research, H. R. Dixon, Western Pine l\fanufacturing Co., Spokane, Wash.; promotion, C. C. Stibich, Tahoe Sugar Pine Co., Auburn, Calif.
Mr. Stibich announced that a total of $211,500 will be spent on promotion in 1939, of which $156,500 will be spent on Western Pine activities and $55,000 on cooperative promotion,
Burt Smith, Portlcnd contrcctor, specifies Resnprest wqter- prool cnd wecrtherprool plywood exteriors lor his lcrtest proiect-I0 new homes ct Lcke Oswego, Porltand, beccuse o Rcsnprert ir iderl for snooth, rnodern walls, o Pcrmanent, Stronger than stccl by weight, o Provides greater rigidityr better inrulation, a Rerirb tcrmite3, dry rot. o Cub building costr, lpecds building timc. Write lor Free Scmples; Free Liiercture ltl and tl W00D financed by the Association. Out of the total rnentioned $56.000 will be used for space advertising.
The next itenr was consideration of the budget u'hich forecasts a total expenditure for 1939 of $407,000 as against actual expenditure of 9353,901 in 1938.
At the afternoon session Jarnes G. trIcNary, president of the NLMA, addressed the convention on the subject of "The Place of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association in the Organized Lumber Industry." He quoted from his annual report to the National r,r'hich recor-nmendecl an assessment of onc per cent on sales for trade promotion rvork. This rvoul<l produce, with 60 per cent of the industry participating. about $2,500,000 a year, enough in his opinion to carry on all thc important activities of the lur.nber industry.
L. W. Smith of the NMLA, \A/ashington, I). C., talked on "Governrnent Purchasing and FHA Nlatters."
J. E. NIackie, manager of the San Francisco office of the NMLA, discussed "Building Codes and Small Homes Promotion."
In the course of a general discussion of Association activities J. N{. White of l-ong-Bell I-umber Co., Weed, Calif., recommended an increase in the Association's expencliture on rcsearch.
The new sound film "Building a Home of Western pines" nas exhibited. This shows each stage in the building of the \\,'estern Pine Home on Treasure Island.
Immediately following adjournment of the members' meeting the board of directors met, all rnernbers being invited to attend.
Swift Berry, general manager of the Michigan-Californi:r I-umber Co., Camino, Calif., was elected president of the Association.
J. P. McGoldrick, McGoldrick Lumber Co., Spokane, and James G. I\{cNary, Southwest Lumber Mills, McNary, Ariz., were re-elected vice-presidents. Truman Collins, Grande Ronde Pine Co., Pondosa, Ore., was re-elected treasurer.
Directors-at-large are J. N{. Brorvn, Long l-ake Lur.nber Co., Spokane, and J. P. Hennessy, \fcCloud River I-umber Co., NfcCloud, Calif.
Western Pine Association representatives on NMLA board of directors are Swift Berry, C. L. Isted, J. F. Coleman, R. R. Macartney and Walter Neils.
Orange County Lumber Group Meets
A dinner meeting of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club was held at the Elks Club, Anaheim, Thursday everriug, N{arch 2.
President Bill Tway presided over the business session. Ernest Ganahl talked on State Association matters, and C. W. Pinkerton outlined many of the bills introduced at the January session of the State Legislature which directly or indirectly affect the lumber and builcling industry.
-Iack Dionne, publisher of The California Lumber Merchant, was the speaker of the evening. The meeting was u'ell attended, about 70 being present.
Visits California
C. F. Mimnaugh, sales manag-er of Medford Medford, Ore., was recently in San Francisco geles on a business trip.