1 minute read

California Building Pcrmits jor February

The NEW Spring Edition

of the Lumberrnents Gredit Rating Boolc

A Sales Tool for A Twice-Weehly Supplemented Developing Sales Credit Rating guide for ALrLr who Sell Lrumber or allied products

-Not Merely a Reference Book

From no other source is there ovoiloble such o comprehensive directory of: retoil ond wholesqle lumber deqlers, commission solesmen, furniture fqctories crnd other woodworking plonts, qnd Iumber producers-sources ol supply lor wholesqlers.

Each business is cleorly clossified-STREET ADDRESSES cre given in the cities, nqmes of new concerns storting up crre promptly furnished in the Twice-A-Week Supplements, moking it eosy to compile o moiling list crrd keep it up-to-dote.

Because of our mony EXCLUSIVE sources of informotion, such qs the thouscnds of delinquent unpoid occounts reported to us eoch month, c high degree of occurocy ol credit rotings is attcrined.

Furthermore, without toking the time, or going to the expense ol buying c speciol report, you qre kept cdvised, through the Twice-A-Week supplements, of the lotest rotings for oll nomes in the book ond supplements thereto.

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