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tutBER - tttlwoR[ SISH and
Since 1888
2nd d Alice Sts., Ocrklcmd
Glcncourt 6861
Earl LeValley Heads Western Retailers
Earl E. Le Valley of Columbia Valley Lumber Co., Bellingham, Wash., rvas elected president of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association at the annual convention of the Association held in Portland, February 23 to 25.
The new vice-presidents elected are as follows: Washington:-eastern division, H. A. Shaw, Spokane; central division, Erling Helliesen, Yakima; western division; C. B. Sweet, I.ongview.
Oregon:-eastern division, C. J. Claus, Lakevielv; rvestern division, Leo L. Gorman, Astoria.
Montana:-eastern division, William Aldrich, Jr., Billings; western division, W. C. Linder, Cut Bank.
Nevada:-J. R. Coffin, Elko.
Idaho:-L. A. Wright, Idaho Falls.
Directors elected for three years were: G. W. Kjosness, Lewiston, Ida.; Earl W. Clute, Missoula, Mont.; H. C. Heinsch, Deer Lodge, Mont.; E. D. Alger, Eugene, Ore.; W. H. Hermsen, Baker, Ore.; Ray W. Beil, Spokane, Wash.; Fred Epperson, Port Angeles, 'Wash.; D. E. Smith, Logan, Utah.
W. C. Bell, Seattle, continues as manager of the Association.
E. C. Parker has been elected president of Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles, succeeding the late Henry S. Patten. Mr. Parker is also treasurer. Fred Patten continues as vice-president and secretary of the company.
Jo Shepard Resigns
Jo H. Shepard, general manager of Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento, resigned his position February 25' He intends to make his home in Oakland, and has not yet announced his plans for the future.
His brother Charles Shepard has succeeded him as general manager of Friend & Terry Lumber Co.
Port Orford Cedar
(Also }aown cs White Cedqr or Lcwson Cypreer)
Crossing PlcnleDeckingTunnel TimbersVeneticm Blind Stock Alro Suppllerr ol SPUT NEDWOOD, DOUGLAS FIN, NED CEDIN" UNTNEATED AND CNEOSOTED PBODUCTS
Here'e q lqbel &ct reclly etcn& lor guclity. Every bundle ol Red Cedcr Shiagler becring thie nqrL ol distinction hcrs been grcded trnd inrpected in strict accordcnce with U. S. rtcndcrds100"/. clecrc 100'/o edge grciw 100'/. hecrtwood. There ehirrglor clro meclure up to cll building cglociclion rtcndqr&. Thid. wbct thig nscne in buildinE corruner ccceptcrnce qnd sdtir- lcc6or- When you reconnend cnd gell P.C.S.LE. Ceriified Red Cedar Shingles, you cre eatcblirhing goodrill lor your bueineeg. Litercture otr requerl.
PACIFIC C0ASI SHII{GII INSPECTI0I{ BURIAU, Inc., Stucrf Euildtng, Secttle, Wcrhington
Philippine Mahogary - Philippine Hardrood
Treqsurc Island, site ol the Golden Gcte lalernqtioncl Expoeition
Outdoor Plywood is Used Extensively at Golden Gate International Exposition
Plywood plays an important part at the Golden Gate Exposition on Treasure Island in both conventional design and ultra modern buildings, rvith streamlined, rounded corners,
Among the most outstanding is -the Federal Building, which employs Super-Harbord outdoor plywood for the outside covering and regular plyrvood for the interior walls. Forty-eight columns-one for each state in the Unioncharacterize this structure, which contains several rooms housing government displays. The columns are 104 feet high, placed in four rows o{ 12 columns each, with the open colonnacle in the center 100 feet high and 265 feet Iong.
Many of the buildings utilized, in part at least, SuperHarbord hotpressed plywood. Ship-lapped edges forming giant tiles characterize the principal construction detail of a number of the buildings. Full advantage of the extra bracing strength has been capitalized upon with resulting economy of frame construction.
Some of the structures on Treasure Island using the outdoor plywood are: Mission Trails court, Southern Counties building, Livestock building, Dairy Industry, Floriculture, Recreation, Coast Guarcl, Coliseum, Press, Women's Club,
Netherlands, Brazilian Pavilion, Candid Camera Shop, Oak Barbecue, Do-nut Corporation, Hydrosphere, Crillo's Kitchen and Cocktail Bar, Shooting Gallery and Federal building.
All the countries and islands of the Pacific have joined hands and are contributing their treasures.
Japan has a display valued at one and one-half million dollars, consisting of feudal castle shipped from Japan in 2,000 separate pieces, and which is reconstructed without benefit of screws and nails.
A new Chinese Village, valued at $150,00O will intrigue many eastern visitors.
There will be representatives and exhibitions from every part of the Pacific-Central and South America, New Zealand, Australia, Fiji Islands, Hawaii, Dutch East Indies, Johore and Philippine Islands.
The Fair opened February 18 and last 288 days.
Bob Arnett is now with San Pedro Lumber Company in charge of the insulation department. He will make his headquarters at the company's Los Angeles office. He rvas formerly u'ith the United States Gypsum Company at Los Angeles.
Want To Buy
Small or medium-sized yards anywhere south of Stocktotr. Information kept confidential'. Write Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, P. O. Box 1551, Los Angeles, Calif.
Wrr-r- SELL
Established So. California yard-Metropolitan
-Main Highway-clean cut. Good reasons Will stand strict investigation. Address Box fornia Lumber Merchant.
Los Angeles for selling.
C-745 Cali-
Wholesale salesman for Southern California. Strictly commission basis, selling Redwood, Ponderosa and Douglas Fir Uppers. Address Box C-746, California Lumber Merchant.
Going And Coming
Henry M. Hink, vice-president of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company, San Francisco, has returned from a 10-day business trip to Southern California.
Sam S. Crowley, general manager, and P. M. Cou,brough, sales manager, Meadow Valley Lumber Company, Twain, Calif. were recent business visitors to San Francisco. They were accompanied by their rvives and all attended the Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island.
Edric E. Brown, manag'er of the By-products Division of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, left March I for a trvo months' trip to Chicago, New York and Eastern Canadian points.
Commission Salesman Wanted For Arizona
Well established San Francisco wholesale lumber firm with excellent buying connections in the Northwest wants commission salesman for Arizona territory to sell Fir, Ponderosa and Sugar Pine. Replies treated confidentially. Address Box C-744, California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
Lumberman with several years' experience as yard foteman wants position with wholesale or retail lumber firm. Thorough knowledge of building materials including builders hardware, paints, etc. Can furnish best of references and will go any place. Address Box C-747 Calif.ornia Lumber Merchant.
Lady Wants Position
Expert lumber comptometer operator wants position with either wholesale or retail lumber concern. Best of references. Address box C-749 California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
of all sizes for sale or rent
Federal Scow Agency
4o7 Bay Building
Seattle, \ffash.
Larue J' woodson' wheeler osgood Sales corporation' tern Retail Lumbermen,s Association, held at portland Francisco' member of Hoo-Hoo Supreme Nine' has apore., February z3-zs, incruded F. Dean prescott, vaney #ffij,iffjj;.t3"1lrllilit',";;:*"1:XT"t ;il'? Lumber Co., Fresno; Bernie B. Barber, secretary, Califor- Northern California and Nevada. nia Lumbermen's council, Fresno; Geo' c' Burnett' Burnett carifornia 'isitors to the annual convention of the west-
Mr. woodson's Hoo-Hoo jurisdiction No. 6 embraces the Lumber Co., Tulare, and Warren Tillson, Modesto Lum- states of California, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah. ber Co.. Modesto.
Herb Klass, general sales manager, Company, San Francisco, left March firm's Chicago office.
The Pacific Lumber 1 for a visit to the
Sam Hayrvard, president of Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, left for Honolulu on February 24 on a trip around the worlcl. He will be away about three months.
Dorris Lumber & Moulding Company, Dorris, California specialists in the manufacture of California Pine mouldings are represented exclusively in Southern California by W. E. Cooper, wholesale lumber dealer, 2035 East 15th Street.
A. N. Sanders, sales manager for W. E,. Cooper, says that this firm makes a very fine quality of mouldings and that their product is always in good demand all over the country.