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Douglas Fir Plywood

Douglas Fir Wallboard California Pine Panels Hardwood Plywood

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\(/aterproof Plywood is Used for Country Home Exterior

That housing is the best "buy" on the rnarket today is demonstrated by the modern house nervly completed at Lake View Villas, Osrvego Lake, Oregon. under the supervision of Burt Smith, Portland contractor.

The five room residence clesigned by John Yeon offers comfortable, adequate housing for the average family, embodies all the newest construction methocls and most effrcient materials obtainable. Situated on a 72' 6" x 126, plot in the restricted Osrvego Lake district, it is norv listed at $4750.

The honre cornprises spacious 13'6" x l9'A' fiving room. lO'6" x 14'6" and 11' x 11' bedrooms, modern bathroom. lO' x 1O' kitchen, 8' x 9' service room and single garage.

Exterior is Resnprest lveatherproof plywood. Interiors are of plaster over metal lath. Floors are of oak except in kitchen and bathroom, lvhere linoleurn is used. The house is equipped with Bendix n'asher, gas furnace ar.rd air conditioning ducts from every room.

Every care has been taken to insulate the house adequately. Exterior walls are of Resnprest over one inch tongue ancl groove lr'ith 15 pound felt bet'iveen. Roof is of tr,r'o inch tongue and groor.e shinglecl t'ith cedar shingles. All ceilings are insulated with one inch thick insulating material. Records kept during the past 30 days show that the house is extremely economical to heat, reports Mr. Smith.

A true country h6'ms-sxn6tly one half of the exterior wall surface is devoted to modernly designed rvindows of crystal plate, a double strength, heavy quality glass. Beneath all rvindows are ventilating louvres designed and perfected by I\{essrs. Yeon and Smith.

All interior doors are of Rezo panels, sturdily made, practicalll' rvarp-proof. All cupboar<l doors are of N{ and I\'[ patente<l flush-rvall panels. In line .rvith modern inter-



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Loag Becch g62-ll Telephoner wilnington 20gl tOS ANGEI.ES REPRESEIITATIIIE

328 Peholeum Securitier Bldg. - Telephone PBoepect 0615

Reprerenting in Southern Cclilornia: Thc Peciftc Lumber Company-Wendling-Nathan Co

Car and Cargo Shippers


Arizone Reprcrcntetivc


P. O. Bor 1865, Phoeni: Tclcphoo. g6SU

Coast Counties Club Holds Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club held in Monterey on March 3, the following officers and directors were elected to serve for the ensuing year:


President, George N. Ley, Santa Cruz Lumber Company, Santa Cruz.

Vice-president and Treasurer, J. H. Kirk, Southern Pacfiic Milling Co., San Luis Obispo.

Secretary, C. S. Tripler, Watsonville. Directors

H. C. Grundell, Pacific Coast Coal Company, San Luis Obispo.

Thomas lfambey, Tom Hambey Lumber Company, Soledad.



J. O. Handley, M. J. Murphy, Inc., Carmel.

Henry Hansen, Union Supply Company, Monterey.

J. H. Heick, Hammond Lumber Company, Watsonville.

J. H. Kirk, Southern Pacific Milling Co., San Luis Obispo.

George N. Ley, Santa Cruz Lumber Co., Santa Cruz.

Frank D. Maginnis, Lathrop Hay and Grain Co., Tres Pinos.

J. E. Norton, Norton-Phelps Lumber Co., Santa Cruz.

Joe Rogers, Square Deal Lumber Company, Salinas.

Frank Sparling, lfomer T. Hayward Lumber Company, Hollister.

L. M. Tynan, Tynan Lumber Company, Salinas.

George N. Ley was elected for a two-year term to represent the Club on the California Lumbermen's Council.

J. O. Handley and L. M. Tynan were elected to represent the Club on the board of directors of California Retail Lumbermen's Association.

The Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club is preparing for its annual social meeting which will be held in Santa Cruz this year. Lloyd Hebbron, Hebbron Lumber Company, Santa Cruz, is chairman of the committee on arrangements,

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