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Cronin Lumber Co. Has Attractive Yard at Van Nuys
Thc attractive looking retail 1'ard shou'n above is the plant of the Cronin Lumber Companl' at 14423 Calvert Street, Van Nuys, Calif.
On the exterior of the display room Redrvood sicling, Log Cabin siding, Redu'ood shakes and Knotty Pine siding have been used. On the roof panels of seven different kinds of El Rey shingles and trvo varieties of El Rey Tile are shorvn, also one panel of Redrvoocl shingles. The invitation on the sign "Visit C)ur Display Room" can be plainly seen by those approaching the yard from either clirection.
The display room features on its w.alls various kincls of hardrvood panels. sorne Fir panels and ser-eral USG Sheetrock s'ood-grainecl panels. In the miclclle of the floor is a scction of a 6-foot Douglas Fir log. There is an exhibit of Fir, Pine ancl harchvood doors. also a F'ir plyu'ood pingpong table. On one encl thele is a clisplay of Dura Steel Products Com,pany's ironing ltoarcls, cabinets, etc.
The ceiling of the display room ancl of the office are finishecl in Fir-Tex ir.rsulating boarcl.
A complete stock of lumber is carriecl, all under cover. ancl all other buil<ling rnaterials including a stock of Lruilders'hardware.
J. P. Cronin, o\\:ner of this concern. ltought this vard and another yarcl in North Hollyrvood from Alley Bros. Lumber Company a little over 1O years ago. He sold the North Hollyrvood 1'ard and has devoted all his attention to building up the Van Nu1's business. Mr. Cronin got his first experience in the lumber business rvorking for his father.
J. S. Cronin, u'ho had a string of eight yards in Eastern Washington. After he left the Service at the close of the Worlcl War he rveut to Canada, rvhere he managed a yard at Drumheller, Alberta. for the Crorvrr Lnmber Company, a large line yard concern. Later he was rvith the Santa Barbara Lumber Company, Santa Barbara, for four years, ancl left there to become associatecl rvith Alley Bros. Lumber Company, taking over the two yards from them earlr. in 1929.
His father, J. S. Cronin, now 87, is a veteran of the lumber business. Before coming West in 1911 he was superintenclent for N'[cCall-Webster Lumber Company of Abercleen, South Dakota. He operated the Standard Lumber Company in Eastern Washington from 191 I to 1922, when he sold out to the Potlach Lrrmber Companr'. He .ir-as ac- tir-e u,ith his son in Van Nuys for a little rvhile, but is nou' retired.
A srnart piece of advertising is done by this yard rvith a liord station wagon rvhich is used for quick, light deliveries. In acldition to a good sized sign on each side ttris car carries another sign on the top inviting the public to "Visit C)ur Display Room."