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Incrpratrd udc th. lawr of Cdlfcala
J. C. Dlou., Pro. rnd Trcu.; J. E. Mrtn, Vle-Prcr.i A. C, Morryru, Jr.' Sey. Publlchcd thc lct and lSth of cacb Eorth at 3lt-r$20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELES, CAL., TELEPHONE, VArdik .56s Eatcrcd aa Second-clas natt* Scptcnbcr 6. ItZl' at tha Poetofflco at Lor Angclcq Callfmla, undor Act of March 3' ft79.
Subr-criptioa Pricc, gZll0 pcr Ycar Singlc Copicr, 25 centr caich.
How Lumber Looks
Douglar Fir Cargo. The millr have well bahnced order 6ler and pl€nty of inquiry for rpecial cutting. Clean are rtrong. It is ertirnated that the curtailment between now end the end of tte year in tte Northwert will be 16 2/3 pq cent of production for one rhift millr and 25 per cent for hro rhift minr, carrying on the indit/id'ual vohmtary crrtailment program.
Douglu Fir RaiL Thc millr have conriderabh volune of Eartert bruinerc on thcir boob, and pricer are very firm with an upward tcndcocyn Ca$fornia dinrension ir veqr rtrong and highcr pricee may be eurpec{ed, ar the milb are now gefting high6 pricer for lumber rhipped Eart. ghingle and lath pricer for rail rhipmcntr ehow no change.
Thc Californir demand ir good and pricer are firrn 29 lumber veerelr are laid up, with 5 velrels opcrating ofi- shore. Unrold stocks at San Pedro on March 2? totated 8rl57rOOO feet-for the part few weeks rmsold rtockr at San Pedro have been at tte loweot point rince lart May.
Cargo lath ir higher while ebingl,e prices ehow little change.
According to lumber studies made by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, for the fint ten weeks of 1929, orderc for lumber exceeded production by 13.5 per cent and shipmentr were O.2 per cent more'tlran cutting, bas€d on reports of 143 major mills in the Douglas fir region of Warhin6on and Oregon. Production for the first 1O weeks of 1929 for 216 milb reporting to the .{,osociation war 31.6 per cent below the w*kly operating capacity of theee millr for trhe period.
Cdifornia White and Swar Pinc. The Cdifonrh pine rnarket ir rtrorrg and pricer are firm. Stockr at the millr are badtv deplaed, rendering quick rhipmentr difficulr Fac. tory and the cornmon gradca are in very good dc,rnand. Redwood. The market ir good in all grader and pricce are 6rm" The Cdifornie Redwood Agociation report thc following totalr for the frrt 1l weeks of the year; ffcrq received, 82,199,000 feet; Shipmentr, ?1r858'dD fcct; Production, 74,412r(JflfJ ferlt. *<*tF*st
According to the report of the National Lumber llllanufecturcrr Arcociation of March 21r the luraber movcmcat for the first 11 wee&r of 1929, bared ori reportr from thc regional arsociation millr, is ar followr:
-Wert Coast Lumbermen'r Association. Production, 1r' 695,308,000 feet; Shipments, 1,671,296,000 feet; Orden' 1,828,714,OOO feet.
Cdifornia White and Sugar Pine Arociation. Produc' tion, 161,8O1'OOO feet; Shiprnente, 281,692'000 feet; Orderr, 280,434,00O feet.
Southern Pine Association. Production, 726r139'(X)O feet; Shipments, 73313221000 feet; Orders, 780'066'(X)O feet.
The total hardwood movement for the first 11 weelrs of the year is as follows: Production' 581r439r(XX) feet; Ship-e.tr, 56810?81000 feet; Orders, 696142410OO feet.