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Southern California Lumbermen to Meet at Los Angeles April 6
A one-day convention will be held by the lumber dealers of Southern California on Saturday, April 6, at the Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles. Luncheon will be served on the Mezzanine Floor at 12:15 P. M.; the luncheon will be for men only and all dealers, manufacturers and wholesalers are invited to attend. Luncheon tickets will be $1.00.
Following the luncheon, there will be a business session which will be presided over by Paul Hallingby. There will be reports of the Cement, Hardwood Flooring and Roofing committees. These committees have been very active and will have constructive reports to make which will bring out discussions in which the manufacturers will participate. One of the principal subjects to be discussed will be the adoption of straight grades of Common and the sale of grade marked lumber.
Dinner will be held in the main dining room of the Alexandria Hotel at 6:30 P. M. The dinner will be $2.00 per plate. There will be music, entertainment by Frank Seiger's Male Quartette, and dancing.
This-will be a pleasant get-to-gether meeting to which all are invited. Bring an idea with you-take several away. There's profit in it.
In Los Angeles
We have a large and complet€ Irrarufacturing plant in connection with our ryarehouse * 7O2 F- Slauron .A,venue.
RED RMR sash are a "good buy." The soft, gmooth-cutting, even textured CALIFORNIA PINES grve clean sticking and have the "Old Fashioned White Pine" characteristic of holding their size and shape under a wide range of weatfier conditions.

CAREFUL WORKMANSHIP, combined with quantity production in our modern factory are refected in a quality product. We are equipped and organized to handle special jobs of any size, in S^A,SH, DOORS, MILLWORK and BUILT-IN FIXTURES.
"Producers of White Pine for Over Half a Century"