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McGormtek service is more than a by'vrord wlth us
.[On more than 25 years McCormick has been supplying California lumber merchants with West Coast woods.
Every possible means to insure prompt and dependable deliveries has been taken. A lumber senrice all-inclusive. our own timber stands, loggrng camps, four mills cutting |,2OO,OOO ft. per day, fully equipped teating plant and a fleet of coastal and inter-coastal vessels.
You can profit by this superior service. Our reprepentatives will be glad to tell you how.
We ako specialiTe in Idaho White Pine and Pondosa Pine. Gnas. R. MeGormlck Lunber Go.
Califtrnia Distributors for Weyeilcteuser Fir Flooring
SALES OFFICES: San Francisco--27j Marhet Street; Datenfort 3 j00. Los Angeles-1100 Lane Mortgage Building: Tinity 5241. Phoenix-iC. p Henry, rcpresentatite, 423 Heard Builf,ing. MILLS; St. Heleas, Otcgon; Port Ludhn' aid P6rt Gamble, Washington. TRE{TING PLANT: St. Heleis, OrcEon. PLANING
MILLS: San Diego. DISTRIBUTION YARDSz Wilmingion and San Diego.
Dougler Flr .Gcdar . Spruce. Eentock