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ulruAtrts & Go|lPER
Edward E. Taenzer
Pioneer Lumberman Dies
Funeral services for Edward E. Taenzer, who died unexpectedly Sunday morning, March 16, at his home in Los Angeles, while seated at the breakfast table, were held Tuesday, March 19. Burial was in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale.
Mr. Taenzer was a native of Indiana, and was born at Terre Haute on November 10, 1868. IIe came to Los Angeles in 1915, following years of experience in the hardwood and lumber business in Memphis, Tenn., and other Southern producing centers, where he was considered one of the pioneer lumber operators.
Shortly after reaching Los Angeles, he organized the American Hardwood Company, and associated his two sons. C. R. and E. M.'Taenzer in the business. He anticipated an early retirement ffom the business field, but the concern grew so rapidly that he never was content to leave the active management and was at his place of business Saturday, the day before his death.
Mr. Taenzer was one of the organizers of the National Hardwood Lumber Association of which he was a past president, and one of the prime movers in the National Hardwood Export Association. He was also one of the organizers of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers Association. lfe was a member of the Blue Lodge of Masonry, the Scottish Rite and the Shrine, Ifoo lfoo, and the Jonathan Club. Besides his widow, Mrs. Rose L., and two sons and their families, he leaves a sister Mrs. Hermine Galsford of Long Beach.
A,ctive pallbearers, selected from the membership of the First English Lutheran Church, of which Mr. Taenzer was an active member were: George Grabe, Charles Mickel, N. B. Wiseman, E. C. Bentz, J. C. Witt and S. A. Melcher. Ifonorary pall bearers for the funeral were: Howell Baker, C. J. Laughlin George F. Weis, H. H. Whiteside, Sheldon Morris, Ray Ford, Roy Ray Roberts, C. W. Bohnhoff, Clarence Bohnhoff, D.J. Cahill, George C. Cornitius, G. C. Gearhart, LeRoy Stanton, Jerome C. Gripper, W. E. Cooper, Charles M. Cooper, Charles M. Kellogg, H. W. Swafford, C. W. Prollius, Clarence H. Boyle and W. A. Banta.
M. D. Bishop New Secretary
Central Coast Counties Club
M. D. Bishop, formerly associated with the Standard Planing Mill and Routt Lumber Co., Fresno, has been appointed secretary of the Central Coast Counties Lumbermen's Association, which covers Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties, and has a membership of 40 yards, situated in 20 towns throughout the territory.
Mr. Bishop will make his headquarters in Watsonville.