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Ho, many first-time-buyers canYou figure on SnEING AcAIN ?
e{s many as this mill . catt banh on?
First-time buyers of doors are pretty certain to be regularcustomers forthe California Mill and Lumber Co. of Alameda, Calif. This firm sells a door that contractors almost always come back for on their next jobs. It's the famous Laminex door that will not shrink or swell or warp. ttContractors to whom we've sold Laminex claim that the ultimate cost of hanging these trouble-proof doors is at least twenty-five cents less peropening than with ordinary doorsrt' says Manager Magnus Hollested of this concern. "As a result they always afterwards refuse to accept ordinary doors."
a{s many os this line yard is assured of?
The Santa Fe Lumber Company with yards in six California communities has satisfied itself that Laminex doors bring the contractors who try them back tothe same mill formore. These people state in explanation thatttl-aminex doors give customers comllete satisfaction." And they go on to say that they've found "there is a decided demand for Laminex doors evidently aroused by the advertising cimpaigns carried on in many publications." Not only do advertised Laminex doors make steady customers of first-timebuyers, but they attract the first-timebuyers !
-|HIS cut-away view of aLamiI nex door shows why it is trouble-proof. Notice the stile construc3is11-1hs core of Eeparate blocla with the grain crossed so warping can't take place.. Core blocks, clear faces, and panel plies are solidly welded together with Laminex cement. This cement, being water-proof, forms "bulkheads" on all sides and prevents the passage of moisture which ordi-
v{s many as this deals look forvard ta?
That Laminex doors make steady customers for the Palo Alto Lumber Company ttis evidencedrt' as Manager Ellis saysr"by our many releat orders. Much of our trade now izsi.rlr upon being supplied with Laminex. The contractors realize the guarantee ldbel on Laminex doors means something.t' Doon that the contractor will have no grief with, that the owner will never be annoyed by, that the speculative builder finds a help in selling homes, Laminex doors are an item that will draw trade and [rold it for you. There are many hundreds of dealers who have proven that conclusively.
narily causes swelling and shrinking. There's not another door in the world that is made'like this. Nor another door so widely advertised and well known. Laminex doors have helped dealers all over the country build a bigger door business. Theycan help you get and hold more customers. Write for further information, and the new catalog on the beautiful line of Philippine Laminex doors and carton trim. Fill out the coupon now.