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Increased Profit for You
New ftems and Attractive Designs Vill Stimulate Sales of These High Quality Cabinets
OU PROFIT most by what sells easiest and fastest. And stim' ulated sales make the plus side of the ledger look better. You are ofiered tihat stimulant in new and attractive items in the latest catdog of Cowan Standardized Built-in Cabinets. It illustrates the most complete line ever presented to the building trade.
Cowan Cabinetc sell more rapidly because you can show the contractot savings of time and money. They are delivered to him completely built and ready to set. No cutting and fitting, no chance for mistakes. He gets highest quality cabinet work for actudly less than it costs him to build it on the job.
The new catalog lists Cowan Standardized Built-in Cabinerc to equip every room in the house. Three attractive new items are illustrated here. Note the absence of the "ready-madett look.
Cowan designers have achieved a touch of individuality that gives the apPearance of a made-to-order job.
Send for your coPy of the catalog. It explains how we can produce these su' perior cabinets for you to sell to the builder at less than it costs to build or" dinary cabinet work on the iob. You will see how the many features of convenience will appeal to your customers' with conse' quent profit to you. Clip and mail the coulxln below for your copy of the cata' log with our cgmpliments.
H. V. COWAN fncorporated
1958 E. 64th St.' Loc Angeler, California
H. V. COWAN, fnc., 1958 E. 64th St., Lor Angeles, Calif.
Gentlemen: Without obligating me in any way, please send me a copy of your new catalog No. l0 with dealer's price list.