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yu rcaplng A*. fofits fro* tbis fertile fnld?
Now, morc than cver, wood flooring offers an enormous ficld for sales. Now, morc than cvcr, you can rcap big profits bccause we'vc madc it a fertilc field for thc man who handlcs Northcrn Hard Maplc.
Month aftcr nonth wc have becn tclling and are continuing to tcll the homc builders, real cstate opcrators and architects of America thc powerful story of "Maple Floors in Color".
Month after month we are smashing homc the advantages of Northcrn HardMaple to iodustrial exccutives, flour nill owners, school boards, hotcl operators, hospital supcrintcndents, and building managcrs.
Take advantage of this nationwidc advcrtising that has been telling thc pcople (many of thcm arc your customers or proslrctivc customcrs) about the beauty and cconomy of Hard Maplc floors. Take advantage of the selling we havc already done for you. The cultivating is donc. Why not join us in boosting Northcrn Hard Maplc and reap the profits from this fertilc field?
Members of The Maple Floorinc Manufacturers Association have contributed maoy thousands of dblars and Jears of work to standardize and implove the manufacnrre and grade uniformity of Maple, Beech and Birch flooring, also to give dealers, architects, builders and consumers complete information on the-advantagei of these iloorings. Cooperate with these manufacturers by featuring Miple, Beech and Bircli- foorin-gs, trademarked MFMA. This rade mark protects the buyer.
The following is a complete list of member manufacturers who are licensed to use lllFMA:
Cobbs & Mltcbell. Inc. Caillll8c, Mlcb. Northwdt€rn cmpersgo cu&EerDtrtlu Comouv cldl|l8c: Mtob. & Lubor comDony Gladrtons' Mloh. Frunnii cod'D8ov Bleckweil' wt8. osc@d a! Blodgeti Mlg' co' 8t. Psul, Mlnn. Fost€r-lrtlmar I umbs Co. Mettoo, wls. Oval W@d DlBh corpoBtlon - hojigsfdr@d CoEpsni- oconto, wls, Tulpgr -I4kf' N. Y. inl-Lnf-Fioortiq -cdmpbnv New ior[. N. y. Robblni FloorlDa comprnv RilnelsrdE, wlt. --iviil at i.*it btty; MGb-.) ' - qswyq goodnu compsrv l srlnetto' lvls. vicuEfsniiir€rscbinDsnt- c&dtusc,Mrcb' ffi3ol3g|ffr?.-"Sg** $tiSlVYrf:
.NtGhol'E {e cox Lubd "ot&?3ilu RsDrds. Mrah. wsrd Brcth€E Brg RaDldE, Mlch. Nortb BnDob Florlng Compsry Cbloigo, I|l. wdls, J. w. Lubor CooDsnv