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Constructive Work Marks Conference of State Association and Millwork Directors at Stockton
, Cooperation was truly the keynote of the second joint meeting of the directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. and of the Millwork Institute of California, held at the Stockton Hotel, on Friday and Saturday, March 22 and 23.
, The conference was divided into two sessions, a breakfast meeting on Friday at 8 a.m., and a luncheon meeting on Saturday.
Problems affecting both industries were freely discussbd, and such satisfaction was felt at the progress made in forming cloqer relations with each other, that just befo_re the clole of the second session it was decided to hold the annual conventions of the two bodies in the same locality and in the same week if this can possibly be arranged. A tentative date for the two conventions was set for November 2L and 22, with a joint meeting of directors on November 20. The conventions will be held either in San Francisco or Los Angeles.
IPresident Harry A. Lake of the lumbermen's association and President Aithur W. Bernhauer of the Millwork Institute acted as joint chairmen.
. J. H. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramgnto, reported on- legislation before the legislation which affects th; California Lien Law. After discussion it was decided to instru,ct the joi4t legislative committee of the State Association and Millwork Institute to make every effogt to secure pasiage of the bill amending the lien law.
At ttie suggestion of R. R. Smith, Humboldt Milling Co., Fortuna, the matter of the formation of a California Trade Comurission, a bill for which is now before the Stati Legislature, was discussed.
Those who took part in this discussion were H' T. Didesch. E. A. Nicholson, R. R. Smith, and A. W. Bernhauer" representing the Millwork Institute, and !f. A_. Lake, F. Dean?rescott, J. Frank'Wright, C' H. Griffin, Jr., and J. H. Shepard, repiesenting the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.
The idea was enthusiastically endorsed by the meeting, and it was unanimously decided to refer this matter to the joint legislative committee of both bodies, as quick action will be necessary in the event that it is found necessary to amend the bill.
The matter of licensing contractors was also discussed, and it was resolved to leave this also to the joint legis- lative committee to work out some scheme which will be acceptable to both millmen and lumbermen.
B. 4.. Nictrolson, Pacific Door & Sash Co., explained to the meeting the working of the plan known as the Registered Buyers and Sellers Plan. Both boards seemed to approve the idea, although no action was taken.
A joint sash and door committee was appointed consisting of R. S. Grant,I. Z. Todd and R. R. leishman reprei senting the millmen, and H. A. Lake, A. J. Stoner and E. T. Robie representing the lumbermen' Committees will be appointed by each body to work out a proper difierential in -price so that a lumber dealer may gei a-fair margin of profit on millwork business which he sells.
F. Dean Prescott, speaking for the lumbermen, said he was impressed with the posiibility of working out -their commoi problems. The ietailer is the natural distributor of a lot of millwork, and he believed they would be able to arrive at a working arrangement.
Directors of the Millwork Institute present were: A. W. rrnhauer- Fresno: H. T. Didesch. Los Anselet; H. W.
Gaetjen, San Francisco; If. C. Treff, Los An
Bernhauer, Fresno; Didesch, Angeles; ls Angeles; NatNat .t-rancisco; 'I-rett, Angeles;_.t'r!I Edwirds, Oakland; E. A. Nicholson, Los Angeles; T. J. Bridgeford, Sebastapol; Frank Firher, Stockto:r;- J. W. Shrimp, Riverside; R. R. Smith, Eureka, and Robert R. Leishman, Pittsburg. Other Institute members present were: Robert S. Grant, San Francisco; V. A. Boell, Oak' land, and JoeZ. Todd, Oakland.
Directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association present were: F. Dean Prescott, Fresno; R-alp_!t Duncan, Merced; C. H. Griffin, Jr., Santa Cruz; J. F. Wright, Porterville; Elmer Ellis, Palo Alto; J. 4._Stt.pard, Sacramento; Earl E. White, Madera; Walter S. Spicer, Santa Ana; A. J. Stoner, Sawtelle; E. T. Robie, Auburn, and H. A. Lake, Garden Grove.
Other lumbermen who attended were: J. U. Gartin, Modesto, and W. K. Kendrick, Fresno.
Others present were: George M. Cornwall, -The Timber. man, Poriland; L. A. Nelson, West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Portland; C. D. LeMaster, Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club; Paul E. Overend, California Re' tail Lumbermen's Association, San Francisco, and. W. T. Black. The California Lumber Merchant, San Francisco.