1 minute read
Introducing Thr( COPPE,RCLA
For centuriet' copper has been the accepted rbof for buildings where money waE no obiect. Coppgr is r-royt through the economies effected in CoppJrdad, a moderately priced roof.
Copperclad is now distributed by the Pioneir Paper Co. Inc., and is available to Pioneer dealers everywhere,
Copperclad carries the Class A Label of the Under' writerst Laboratories, of the National Board of Fire fJn' derwriters; being the onlY shingle on the market which doeJ not require a layer of asphalt saturated felt under' neath to obtain this rating.
Pioneer Paper
3o7 Hcrgt Blds.' SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Kceray lftt
Coppercl Estebl MANUF, 55th & Alameda S DEla !5l Dcrtcr Hnta BldS., SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Mdr 5t|2