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E. K. Wood Distributors for Inso Board
The E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has been appointed the exclusive agents for California for the Stewart Inso Board. W. I. Schaefer, Sewart Inso Board Co., St. Joseph Mo., was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a few weeks conferring with D. H. Gates, sales manager in charge of their insulation department, and calling on the trade in the Southern California territory, accompanied by Jerry Brennan, their insulation representative. The first car of Inso Board has already arrived at the E. K. Wood plant.
F. J. Martin, president and founder of the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association ahd a national figure in the fire insurance field, died at his home at Hunts Point, Seattle, Wash., on March 18, after a brief illness. He was sixtyfour years of age.
Mr. Martin had been actively engaged in the insurance business in the Northwest for thirty-five years. As a young man, he located in Oregon where he first entered the mercantile business. He began his insuranci career at McMinnville, Oregon, where he organized the Oregon Fire Relief Association in 1894. Ife went to Seattle in 1901, where he organized the Northurest Mutual Fire Insurance Co., now the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association, which does business in virtually every'state in the Union and every province in Canada. He organized the Martin General Agency, and later the'Improve'd Risks Mutuals, the latter a group of eighteen fire,jnsurance companies in the United States; he was president of both these organiza- tions. He was president of the Federation of Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, and a member of the board of governors of the American Mutuals Alliance. Mr. Martin was also president of the Rockwood Sprinkler Company and the Instantaneous Alarm Company.
Surviving him, besides his widow, are four children: Hubert H. and Alvord B. Martin, Mrs. F. L. Delkin and Mrs. Francis Howay.
E. D. Kingsley and Duke Euphrat Fly to Portland
E. D. Kingsley, president of the West Oregon Lumber Company, Linnton, Oregon, and Duke Euphrat of Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco, made the trip from San Francisco to Portland by airplane on March 15.
Leaving Mills Field, San Francisco, at 9:45 a. m. on the West Coast Air Transport Company's tri-motored eight passenger plane, they arrived in Portland at 3:40 p. m., making the trip of about 570 air miles in just under six hours.
While they experienced cloudy weather during the first half of the journey, they found beautiful weather after they crossed the Siskyou mountains, and both report a very enioyable flight.
Mr. Kingsley was returning to Oregon from a stay of three weeks in California, and Mr. Euphrat took this up-todate way of traveling to the Northwest on one of his periodical business trips.
Robert Self of Houston, Texas, is now connected with the Los Angeles office of the Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association where he is assisting R. E. Walker, district manager, in the Southern California territory.