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Tri-Club Conference
(Continued from Page 28) ard, Fresno; F. Dean Prescott, Fresno, and W. H. Falcon- to assist retail lumbermen in any way within their power bury, Stockton. in establishing the new standards, and will be glad to as-
Most of the opinion expressed was entirely favorable to sist retail lumbermen in any way within their por,r'er in the adoption of the new itandards. Some of the speakers establishing the new standards, and also to help in every brought up the question of the attitude of architects. Mr. way in the promotion of the sale of wood.
On a motion by F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, the meeting went on record as being in favor of American Lumber Standards being put into effect at an early date, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.
C.. D. LeMaster, secretary of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, in opening the discussion on "Dealer Distribution" or "What Class of Business Belongs to Re. tailers", said that retailers believe they should distribute all building lumber. The speaker asked'for an expression of opinion from retailers, so that their ideas can be presented to manufacturers and wholesalers.
After much discussion the foUowi-r.rg cade of ethics was approved, each section being Viiltridldd-$qpd,i*ltaly : i said that architects had a lot to do with terminating the sizes of American Standards.
1.t-rThat it is unethical for.mills and wholesalers to sell direct to contractors.
A. C. Horner, manager of the Western Division of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, said that his association is in constant touch with ar'chitects, and they will furnish speakers at architects' meetings, and assist in every way to convince the architects, who he predicted will not be hard to educate.
Mr. Horner said the National Association is heart and soul behind American Lumber Standards, and will be glad
2. It is unethical for a retailer to ship lumber into a town where another dealer is located, even though the material is to be used by a contractor who regularly trades with,. the dealpr making the shipment.
3. It is unethical for a rvholesaler or mill;{o accept orders from retailers for shipment into a town where that dealer has no yard and where another dealer has an investment in lumber sheds and a stock of building materials.
4. Orders for materials for industrial plants and fruit
(Continued on Page 33)