1 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 20 years-Some less
The Scotch Again
The air is full of Scotch stories. You hear them on every corner. Here is the best one of recent date.
"Won't you give a shilling to the Lord?" asked the Salvation Army lassie of an old Aberdonian.
"How auld are ye, lassie?" he asked.
t'Nineteen. sir."
Box Manufacturers To Meet At Fresno
The second Tri-Annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Division of the National Association of Wooden Box manufacturers rvill be held at the Hotel California, Fresno, May 3 and 4. This will be a round-table meeting similar to previous meetings held by the association.
Cliff Bergstrom Back From Northwest
Cliff Bergstrom, Los Angeles representative for MacDonald & H-arrington, has reiurned from a two weeks' business trip to Portlind, Ore., and Everett. Wash.
"Ah, well, I'r4 past seventy-five. I'll be seein' Him before'you, so I'll just hand it to Him mysel'."
"Rigid economy," remarked the sage philosopher' "means a dead Scotchman."
R. W. Cou'lin, who recently resigned from the management of the Hess Lumber Co., Bishop, is now with C. L. Thompson Co., San Francisco, as sales engineer.
C. L. tfrompspn Co., who are Coast distributors for Masonite and Cromar Oak Flooring. also have an office in Los Angeles.
Russell Tracy Visits Bay District
Russell Tracy, sales manager of the Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento, spent a few days in the San Francisco Bay district on business around the middle of March.