2 minute read
Tri-Club Conference
from Page 33)
On a motion by C. D. LeMaster the meeting decided to request the California Retail Lumbermen's Association to seek an opportunity to discuss the code of etl,ics with manufacturers and wholesalers.
The code as approved is substantially the same as the one which was approved by the State Association at their annual meeting last November, the principal difterence being that the section relating to discouraging the establishment of new yards in towns adequately served by existing yards was voted down by the.meeting
F. Dean Prescott told the gathering of the fine work
Brief talks were given by Ira E. Brink,'Lester Elliot, L. A. Nelson. Arthur Bernhauer and H. A. Lake.
M. M. Riner, Kansas City, Snark of the lJniverse, gave an address on the aims and objects of l{oo Hoo, pointing out the need of association in all branches of the lumber industry.
Community singing ably led by Alex Emerson was much enjoyed.
Songs by J. Henry Welton, Tenor, and Scotch songs by Alex Emerson, accompanied by John G. Elliot on the piano, were heartily applauded.
Lumbermen Who Took Active
done by the cement committee of the State Association' As a risult of this Southern California cement manufacturers are selling entirely through retail dealers.
He also told albout the good work done by the State Association roofing committee, through whose work the large mail order houies are now unable to buy at former low rates,
President H. A. Lake of the State Association said the roofing manufacturers found out that it is more to their advanfage to deal with 1028 lumber dealers than to give a low quantity price to one of two large mail order concerns'
The Banguet
More than two hundred lumbermen sat down to the /Lumber Industry Get-Together Dinner and Entertainment lat 6:3O p.m. FridaY evening.
J A. J. i'Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber--Company, was toastmaster, and it can be said that he did a good job, amusing the big crowd with his humorous repartee and stories throughout a somewhat lengthy program.
Part in Conference Program J.
J. Hubert Briggs, president of the Stockton Chamber of Commerce, spoke briefly, introducing Mr. Scott of the California Development Association, who talked on the work of his association.
Mr. Russell in conclusion called for a hearty vote of thanks to Charlie Bird and his able committee who were responsible for all the arrangements.
The registration rvas as follows:
J. C. Ferger, Swastika Lumber Co..... .......Fresno
C. G. Corkran, Owen Oregon Lumber Co..........Medford, Oregon
C. A. Berry, C. A. Berry Lbr. Co.. ....Valley Springs
Jas. E. Atkinson, Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. Co.....,,San Francisco
O. F. Folsom. The Celotex Co..... ......Sacramento
C. P. Christensen, Linden Lumber Co..... ....Linden
D. O. Wenrich, Wenrich Lumber Co.. . .Merced
H, P. Adams, Wenrich Lumber Co.. .. ... ..Merced
W. E. Bruce, Star Lumber Co.. . Stockton
Geo. K. Adams, Noah Adams Lumber' Co........,...Walnut Grove
W. T, Wallace, Hammond Lumber Co..... ...San Francisco
(Continued on Page 37)