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A $r Color beautiful newRoofi.ng revealed bv a Bla$tinthe GeorgiaHills
T TERE'S a wholly new field of f I profit for roofing builders. A blast in the Georgia hills has revealed a hitherto unknown color in slate. and an entirely new slate-surfaced shingle is the result.
This new color, weathered brown, is found only in the Richardson quarries of Georgia. It is as beautiful as the russet of November fields, and with use, it mellows and deepens to a shade like the thatch of an English cottage.
Architects are enthusiastic over its rare color effects, especialiy when it is blended with other Richardson shingles of jade green, tile red or blue-black.
. A super-shingle
it last much longer, anC casts a deeper shadow line on the roof. And its 100/o greater stiffness keeps it rigid in all kinds of weather and makes the whole roof twice as firm.
effects. Second-unusual dimensions which give added life to thelroof at ;{ less in cost of laying. And finally-exceptionally high test standards in its materials.
These definite talking pcints will clinch sales. Especially appealing to your customers will be the exclusive color effects. And, of ccurse, Richardscn Super-Giants are equally good fcr new or "over the old roof" jobs.
This new weathered brown is used o;rly on the Richardson Super-Giant Shirgle-a unique roofing product which in addition to its beauty, offers you an unusual degree of roofing serviceability.
The Super-Giant Shingle, 50 z, thicker, l0O i, more rigid, and 35% more economical in cost of laying.
Forexample, its greater size (10x 14), saves35/6 in cost of laying lts50/6
Moreover, its inner materials, felt and asphalt, give conclusive evidence of its endurance. Richardson felt, as you know, has for the last fifty years been used and recognized as the best. And the asphalt which goes into it is of the highest grade raw materials refined exclusively by the Richardson process.
Proae the Jacts yourselJ
A super-shingle indeed, when youweigh itspoints one by one ! First-absolutely exclusive color
Send for our beautiful new color chart, together with samples of Richardson Super-Giant Shingles in weathered brown and other colors. Whatever your roofing need there is a Richardson product to meet it, as our booklets rvill show. .Iust use the coupon below.
Iakland (Cincinnati), Ohio lVlelrose Park (Chicago), Ill., New Orleans, La.