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How Lumber Looks
Lumber continues to pour into California by vessel and rail.
Up to the night of the tenth, thirty-three boats with a total of 2Or25OrOO0 feet had arrived at San Francisco, and San Pedro reported forty-nine cargoesr totalling 53r. 80O,0O0 feet for the same period in this month.
In March one hundred and sixty-four boats docked at San Pedro, with a total of 179'795'OOO feet. One hundred and twenty-eight with fir and thirty-six with redwood.
A report from San Francisco for shipments in March, saya that during the month a grand total of 54r33lrOOO changed. Reported sales are about normal, with the pricec the same as at the first of tte month.
The fir mills continue an above norrnal output, the last report received from the West Coast Lumberrnents Association shows the figures of production of the report' ing mills as 17 per cent above normal, and their sales 8 per cent above production. Dufig the week, one hun' dred and thirty-three mills sold 111,066'442 feet, and manufactured 10310991647 fet. Shipments totaled 119'266,242 teet. Of the above new business but lOrfr)O'OOO feet was for export.
Thirteen mills of the California Redwood Association report sales for the past week of 8'331'OOO feet