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IW.Bat OaId Floorin

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^" otherffi$onS*

It is the selection of only the best rough oah lumber.

AII lumber is tltoroughly air dried before being ltlaced in hiln.

It i.s kiln-dried in mod,ern moist-air hilns.

All lumber allowcd to cool for 72 hours aftcr hi!n-drying so that it u,itl aildin its natural condition beforc it is manufacturcd into flooring.

All Long-Bell ooh flooring ts bundled zuith annealed wirc, two pieces to each bund.le.

Moisture-proof slrcds hecP tlxe stoch in parfect condition.

A lorge well assorted stoch on hand at oll ti,mes, enabling us to giue prompt serz'icc to our trade,

Good aaaroge lengths shil,ped in oll grades and sizes.

Long-Bcll oah flooring can. be identified by tlrc Long-Bell trade-marh on euery piece.

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