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Redwood Association and Dealer News
The Redwood Association is sure getting results from its efforts to enlist the cooperation of the Cali.fornia lumber dealers in pro,moting the use of Redwood.
Secretary R. F. Hammatt's smile covered the peninsula and ran over into San Francisco Bay when he checked up the results of their March "doings with dealers." During that month 170 California lumber dealers asked the Association for Redwood trade extension material, of various sorts. Of this 170,110 of the dealers asked for ADVERTISING copy, cuts, etc., in addition to other parts of the service.
Certainly a splendid indication of active interest when 110 dealers in this one state ask for advertising assistance in a single month.
During the month of March the Association shipped to retail lumber dealers of California, at THEIR request, 6,706 pieces of Redwood literature. A very fine month's record indeed, for a new service. It shows the interest of the dealer, as well as the quality of the service. And it is on the increase.
There is more literature now being prepared that the average dealer will be interested in. Many dealers have asked the Redwood Association to help them interest the local architect and contractor. The Association is preparing to furnish direct assistance of this sort. The dealers will furnish the names of their local architects and contractors, and the Association will write to these men direct, ,furnishing them with literature prepared especially for their use. The Association will also furnish the dealer with copy for letters which the dealer himself will send the local architect and contractor, backing up the work of the Association. rn addition we are now prepared to go farther and offer you without cost our "Letter Service".
In this direction the Association has now on the press a four page circular showing the comparative merits and characteristics of Redwood as compared with twenty other commercial woods, the facts contained therein being taken from a recent bulletin of the United Forest Bureau Labaratory at Madison, Wisconsin. The facts given will amaze even people who consider thmeslves well posted on Redwood.
These facts will be reprinted in THE CALIFORNIA LUMtsER MERCHANT as soon as the folder is off the press. When this information has been placed in the hands of the building people of California it will mean much to Redwood.
During March dealers from all sections of California asked for and received 46,7o8 "Silent Salesmen"x. Many dealers sent in..repeat" orders, and more copies are still available for the asking.

Do you want us to send a strong redwood letter to each customer, contractor, and (or)architect on your mailing list? Ifso, send us the lists.
We'll do the mechanical work of typing your ownifollow-tif letters to those same customers, contractors and architects,'too, if you wish. Just send us a supply of your business stationery, tell us what you want to say, and when you want to mail ithe lettersr
"Silent Salesmen"x? There'll be one for