1 minute read
The Williams Stained Shingle
The Williarns Statned Shingle Co., Yancouver, Wash., U. S. A.
Gentlernen: Please s€rrd me desler p'roPosition, P,rices and cornplete inforrnation about Color-Thatch.
Name. Ad&ees.
Have you a list of the unpainted and paint-needing structures in your selling territory-Mr. Lumber Dealer?
Have you made a deliberate, direct, intelligent effort to sell everyone on that list on the paint idea?
You haven't such a list?
You haven't made such an efiort?
Goodness I What a ldt of good business you are refusing.
(To the selling enthusiast, understand, the fact that.he hai interesting silling opportunities constantly presenting themselves, is the spice of life and of business')
Get out and see how many of these folks you can sell.
Note particularly the first two words of that last senlattss-"get out." That, friend of ours, is the first line, on page one, of the Book of Merchandising. No matter whit else you do, you have got to "get out and get busy," or the rest wolt't count much.

Sell yourself first, then sell your prospect, mentally. _-
Figule out your campaign, your selling talk, yorrr.selling frice. When your campaign is in suitable shape in youiown mind, go get that prospect, and do the job even better than you did in preparation.
Know what he needs, and what you can do, to supply those needs. Present these facts to him. Visualize them.
We have a paint proposition to live lunber dealere, who decirc to lrandle paints of quality and backed by renice.
Ourmaterials aremade forpeople who know what good paint will do to improve the acceptability of their tumber.
Be sure you are able to show something of a paint character to every prospect, because it is muth €asier to sell a man paint ideas through his eyes than his ears'
Visualize your proposition.' , A paint job makes a particular appeal to the average human. Its color, gloss, attractiveness, and the improvement ,it has worked on the raw surface, is appealingly effective.
Paint is a mifnificanf side-line, Mr. Lumber Dealer. It helps make the prospect desire your materials. See that your territory is well painted.
Making Paint Merchants Of Lumber Dealers
E,very week or so now, the news comes to the office of The California Lumber Merchant that another retail lumber dealer has put in a stock of paints, and become a paint merchant. And every time we hear it, we feel grateful, and we say to ourselveS,-'r31"..ed is he who leaves the old rut andi progresses, for verily, he is entering into the Kingdom, of Better Business.