1 minute read
"tferohandise 0f $uperior ilerit Backed By Unusual $eruice"
IN EIGHT WORDS, that is the story our customers tell of their dealings with us.
YOU SHOUTD BE C^ASHING IN ON woco QUALITY AND WOCO SERVICE, which means:-the finest Old Growth Yellow Fir Timber manufactured with the best equipment money can buy under ideal conditions by men who know how and whose goal is perfsslien-men whose work is their pride.
ADD TO THIS a selling organization that makes a business of selling service, plus complete Los Angeles stocks of doors and panels which are always maintained for the convenience of the California buyer and you have the story in a nutshell
The Rite-Grade Inspector Says:
Tf'S no easy rnatter to keep the thickness of shinI gles exactly up to specifications. Sharpness od saws, condiltion of machinery and several other factors, have to be considered. And somc classes ,of Red Cedar tirnrber shrink more in drying than others.
I carefully measure every bunch ,of "Rite Grade Inspected" shiingles before breaking the bunch open for complete examination. Not only do I measure the sb,ingles as they come fdom the saw, but my inspeotion also includes measuremcnts of shingles as they come from the dry-kilns.
Iar addition to assuring myself by cardul m€asurement that every bunch of "Rite-Grades"' is of correct thickness f ako note the thickness of each shingle to be sure that they are UNIFORM. No carpenter can lay a flawless rcof with shingles that vary in thickness.
"Rite-Grade" specificatloors call for a shingle slightly thicker than the standard grades of Red Cedar shingles, and all shingles bearing the "RirteGrhde Inspected" tradernark MUST be up to these specifications. My vigilance is your guarantee of shingles fully up to the required thickness.
And this is only one phase of my work. I also measure lengths and widths of shingles, watch for all classes of defects, count the number of courses, see tlrat shingles are be'ing properly dried, and-in short-do everything in my power to protect the purchaser of shingles bearing the trademark "RiteGrade Inspected."