1 minute read
By Jach Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less.
Plenty Of Time To Win
It was Saturday afternoon, and two colored teams, made up entirely of convicts, were having a game of baseball in the courtyard of the Penitentiary, while several hundred convicts of all colors were gathered on the sidelines. Interest in the garne was intense, there were plenty of enthusiastic rooters for both sides, and the game was followd by the onlookers with all the tenseiress that any worldts series game ever created.
For several innings the game had been very close, and every player was working for dear life to put over a victory.
The tall, yellow gent who was the pitcher for one team had been mighty good during the earlier part of the game, having worlds of speed, and wonderful curves, and his work had attracted much admiration. But as the tightness 9f the game oontinued it began to get on his nerves, and he commenced to lose his "control" of the ball. Every time a batter reached him it made him more and more excited, and he began to pitch all too hastily. He was plainly getting "rattledr" and the otrher side was "getting his goat."
Just about that time, clear and strong above the hundreds of rooting throats, rang the voice of a big chested darkey who was "pulling" for the side of the rattbd pitcher.
"Take you time, niggah! Take you time!" he shouted; "you ain't in no rush! YOU GOT TWENTYFIVE YEARS TO WIN DIS GAME IN!''