3 minute read
A New Vbyerhaeuser Produ& Is Now Otrered the Retail Thade
A ?rofitdble Side Line that Does Not Compete with Any Othq ltem of Yard Stoch
tTlHE fact that the retail lumber dealer is I handling today other items as well as lumber is a compliment to his merchandising sense.
Volume is the biggestfactor in determining his profits. Therefore, the more complete his line, the more goods he can sell-and the more profit he can make on each iob that comes up.
At the same time he is merchantenough to see that the side lines which make him the most moneyare the ones he can sell frequently-that give him a rapid turnover on a small investment-that cost little to handle-and that do not compete with other items he may be obliged to carry in stock.
That is whv we recommend this ne; W'eyerhaeusef product- BALSAM -WOOLas a money-maker and a business-getter for the lumber dealer today.
Every house needs insulation. In winter it means a saving of from 25% to33%% in fuel. It is a health factor because it eliminates draughts, dust and dampness. In summer it keeps out the excessive heat just as effectively as it prevents heat loss in winter. Therefore, it makes a house more livable and more comfortable.
Whole sections of the country consider insulation today an absolute essential to a modern house for here is one part of the cost of a house thatwill return a regular dividend in substantial fuel saving year after year.
BALSAM.WOOL, however, isn't merely an insulation. It is an efficient and an economical insulation. The U. S. Bureau of Standards gives it the highest rating of any commercial house insulation on the market. It is waterproof, windproof and fire resistant. It will not attract rats, mice or vermin. Therefore, it ie eanitarv. It is also durable and oermanent. The# things have all been tek6n care of in the years which have been spent in perfecting it.
Besides thaI,BALSAM-WOOL is a sound deadener.
And it can be applied to a house so easily and so quickly and at so slight a cost as to bring it within the reach of every builder.
AII this means a satisfactory volume of business for the"dealer.
It costs the dealer less tohandle BALSAM. WOOL than other insulating materials. It is lighq it weighs only 250 lbs. per 1,000 square feet. Incidently, that's one reason why it's an efficient insulator'. It cannot deteriorate because it comes rolled,wrapped and sealed. And his stocks of BALSAM-WOOL can never become broken; there can never be any odds and ends to eat into his profit. It comes in two standard widths only -16'/ inches and 32 inches. At the same price at which other insulating materials are sold the dealer can offer a better product at a longer rlorgin for himself.
And, because he can buy it in L.C.L. as well as carload quantitiee, the dealer can keep his investment low, turn his etock frequently at a good margin on each turn and make a nice profit on his year's sales.
That is why we say that the retailer who fails to investigate BAr,sAM-wooL is passiq! up a remark. able opportunity. Insulation is not new. It is recog. niz*d, today as a staple building necessity.
In nltsllvt -wool you have a profitable and a perfectly logical side line, capable of increasing your volume in slack times as well as in the busy seasons-the best product of its kind, backed by the reputation, resources and prestitle of the entire Weyerhaeuser organization.
You will find in your dedings with the'Wood Conversion Company, who manufactures BAIJAM-WOOL, the same spirit of fair dealing and the same business intelgity that has characteriz.ed this organi. zation through sixty-five yeanr of successfully serviql the retail trade.
If you are not in position to buy a carload, put in a trial order of 5,fi)0 or 10,000 feet. Advertising material will be supplied you. This trial order will convinoe you of its sales possibilities.
Samples, prices and com. plete information on BALSAM. woor. may be secured through our local district representa. tives or by mail addressed to our nearest branch office.
Weyerhaeuser Sales Compaivy

9Disnibutors of WEYERFIAEUSER
Forest Products
General Ofrces . SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Brcnch Ofies ST.PAUL 2694 University Ave.
The Weyerhaenw SalesCompany is the combined *lling organiTatiott oI the folloning Weyerhae*ser Milk and Disnibuting Phnts:
OoquetLunberCo... .CloquetrMinn. BonnersFerryLumbetCo.... BonnetsFerry, I&ho
TheNotthernhrmbetC,o. . . .Cloquet,Minn. BoisePayetteLumberCo.. . .Boise, Idaho
Johnson Wennuorth C,o. Cloquet, Minn. Snoqualnie Falls Lumber Co. Snoquatnie Falls, Vash. PodatchlumberGo. ..Podatch, Idaho VeyerhaeuserTimberCo. ...EverettrVash.
HumbMllrmberCo... ...Sandpoint, Idaho VeyerhaeuserTimberCo ...BaltimorerMd.
EdwasdRuddgeTimberCo. ...C,oeurd'Alene,fdaho ThompconYandsrlnc.. St.PaulrMinn. Vood ConversionCo.. . Ooquet,Minn.