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New News From the Mills and Yards-Too Young to Be Dry
Hendrickson Returns From Southern Ccalifornia
R. Hendrickson o'f San Francisco, .manager of the Hendrickson Lumber Company, has returned from a weeks business trip in Southern California. While in the south he made Los Angeles his headquarters and spent several days calling on his customers there. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hendrickson.
Mr. F. P. Baugh, form.erly sales manager for the W. E. Cociper Lumber Company has opened offices at 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg., Los Angeles. Mr. Baugh will wholesale all kinds of h.ardlvood lumber and products, also white and sugar pine. He will represent exclusively in the southern territory, the Seedro B'ox and Veneer Co., who specialize in high grade veneer panels. Mr. Baugh will also r€present the Germain Lum'ber Company of Portland, who specialize in R. R. stock.
Arthur Twohy Leaves For Rochester
Arthur Twohy, prominent Los Angeles lumberman and Southern California representative of the Al,bion Lumber Co. of San Franciscoi was a San Francisco visitor on April 3, when he called on Theodore Lerch, sales-manager of the Alb'ion Lumber Co. Mr. Twohy left on April 4 for Rochester, Minnesota, where he will enter the Mayo Broth-ers Sanitarium. Mrs. Twohy is accompaning him on his trip east.
Nettleton Lumber Company Making Heavy Shipments
The Nettleton Lumber Company is now operating eight vessels on the coast, loading from eight mills on the Sound and at their S'eattle plant.
Last week this company established what they claim to be a record for loading, having four vessels loading in one d^y, all for California ports. The Barkentine "Conqueror," gteamers "Covena" and"tColumbia," and the Motor Ship "Frank Lynch," with a total capacity of 6,850,0O feet, were all at dock on the Sound, loading for San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Mr. Lee R. Gaynor, Jr., with offices at Seattle is in charge of the California department of the Nettleton Lumber Company.
Eastern Men Visiting In Califoirnia
Mr. Geo. H. Rogers of the Rogers Lumber Company, Minneapolis, and Mr. Galvin of the Galvin Lumber Yards, Winnipeg, Canada, spent several days in Los Angeles recently, looking over the retail yards.
Cahill Returns From Trip East
Arthur Cahill of San Francisco, president of Sudden & Christensen, has returned to the coast after an extended trio east that carried him as far as New York and Boston. He was accompanied by his family on the tr,ip.
IXL Rock Maple, Beech and Birch Flooritg
IXL the Finest Milled Floorine in the World
' IXL Wedge Shape Tongue and Grooved
IXL the Only Straight Back Flooring on the Market
IXL Watertight. Drives up Snug and Insures a Perfect Face
B e a lI t y --IXL ""1'frT*Lrt",'*::"s of rich, warm finishes to harmonize with trim
S e rrr t[t- unequalled durability-hard wear only increases the polish.
EC(on(ofn/ --' IXL costs less to lay-rro after smoothing required.
a Floor