1 minute read
Oldest Shingle Contest Enlarges
Special Prize For Red Gedar IIOTIGE TO DEATERS
The Rite-Grade Shingle Association of Seattle, and the Shingle Branch of the 'IVest Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, have offered through us, an additional $ 100.00 for the oldest Red Cedar Shingles in California, $75.00 for the oldest shingle, and $25.00 for the second oldest shingle.
The rules governing this new contest are the same as announced, except that only Red Cedar Shingles will be considered. The same judges will decide both contests.
Understand-the first contest offered $75.00 first prize and $25.00 second pnze, the contest being open to both Redwood and Red Cedar Shingles.
The new contest is for Red Cedar only.
See rules on opposite page.
100% Machine Stained Shingles
Already the tide is fowing in on our machine stained vertical grain Red Cedar shingles.
We have sold several straight carsthe first ever sold in California. The interest of the trade is being plainly shown.
We can furnish them in almost any color, including a very wonderful silver grey.
We represent the two big 100% shingle staining concerns in the Northwest, selling their stock exclusively in California.
They are: The Pacific Timber Co., Everett, Wash., manufacturers of the famous "Bear Brand" shingles, and the Williams Stained Shingle Co., Inc. of Vancover, 'Wash., who ship the well known "Color Thatch."
Ask us for information. Glad to tell you all about rcO% machine stained shingles.
Straight cars or mixed with unstained shingles.